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Everything posted by kalleharstrom@gmail.com

  1. kalleharstrom@gmail.com

    HOTFIX Rollng Update

  2. kalleharstrom@gmail.com

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Before 8.3 i had no problems with FPS, it was all floating very well. When i updated to 8.3 i got like 5 fps, even with every setting on very low and the lowest resolution on the game. What's up with this? My two friends I'm playing with have the same problem after patching to 8.3. Strange.. Also, we keep spawning in somebody elses character. Random amount of blood, always under 12000, random amount of mags to the makarov, wierd locations.. Please do something about this Rocket, it's very annoying. Unplayable. No reason to play a game if nothing you do gets saved. And believe me Rocket, I've tried a various amount of servers, everyone is the same. Appreciate your fast work and your mod. It's awesome when it works!
  3. kalleharstrom@gmail.com

    HOTFIX Rolling Update

    Looks good. But still, everyone seem to have problem with their character not getting saved when quitting the game. I lost 40 minutes of work, and seem like everyone on Dallas 1 (the server i was playing) had the same issues. Spawning inside buildings in wierd towns they have never visited, like i just did. We need a fix for this, Rocket.
  4. kalleharstrom@gmail.com

    Build Hotfix

    I love this. Also: Where does the antibiotic spawn? Stores? Farms? Any info at all? I cought a cold :((