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Everything posted by redspro

  1. Hello, I will make this Short and Sweet. I am 14, Mature, and looking for 3-5 people to play a game of DayZ with. At the moment i am located at Balota Airstrip. if you would like to join me add me on Steam(RedsPro) Please have a Mic and/or TS3 or Mumble. Thanks
  2. Errr... i dont have Skype.... do you have TS or Mumble
  3. Im 14 i use TS or Mumble ill join ive got a MIc
  4. I play..Whenever. play style..Casual/for fun most of the time other times when i manage to get good gear i play safe/shoot everyone on sight
  5. Hey man. Dose age matter? im 14 years old im experienced and mature. i dont have Skype tho sorry i prefer to use Teamspeak 3 or Mumble. add me on steam RedsPro
  6. Oh wow Lucky you ipurgepeople
  7. Wait Wait Wait....Dose anyone actually wanna play DayZ
  8. redspro

    Need A Group

    Im 14 Ill play with you guys. Im a more "experienced" player. as in ive played longer then most players. Add me on Steam SteamID=RedsPro