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-5 Poor

About d2therj

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  1. very original did you have to google that one ? go away no body loves you grow a dick mate.
  2. d2therj

    Cheaters are out of control

    rocket fix ur servers they unplayable
  3. d2therj

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    What is funny is that these retards think when the mod is completed' date=' as if by a miracle from GOD or a magic spell from a fairies wand, Hackers and Admin abuse will vanish. Ignorance is bliss. Talk about brainwashing yourself with your own bullshit. Good thing though, it will keep most of the hackers occupied on DAYZ for a year, when ARAM3 comes out. [/quote'] It's hilarious. The amount of groupies on rockets dick is astronomical. I wouldn't care as much if Rocket didn't act so arrogant in almost all of his posts regarding exploits/hacks. His usual response is "oh it's an easy fix" "we already have a fix for future patch" "there are no hackers" If we could just remove him from lead development, and let individuals such as myself finish this game it'd be so much better.
  4. d2therj

    Has DAYZ now peaked ?

    You guys are acting as if rocket is some type of god. There have been more successful 1man mods than this... done better and without nearly the same amount of problems. case and point. Counter-strike Rocket man the fuck up and fix your shitty game
  5. Rocket fix your servers mang. Everyday now it's almost common to have servers explode or see random aircraft flying around... squad mate grannies and female terrorists with radios. Even more hilarious is the lesser exploiters... disconnecters who to avoid death just ALT+F4. You said this was an easy fix.. yet you still haven't done anything about it... you make a lot of big talk but in reality you're just a small man You need to fix this game. I don't care if it's in Alpha.
  6. d2therj

    Never doubt a bandit

    bad player. u didnt even good the loot
  7. d2therj

    So I shot down a helicoptor today...

    nice graphics bro.
  8. i do this everday. stupid noober makarov best
  9. I kill everyone I meet because I need to purify mankind
  10. d2therj

    Devils Castle

    Rare spawns? Nope. Empty tins? Yep.
  11. d2therj

    Are they taking away Bandits?

    Survivorfag, umad?
  12. d2therj

    I regret it..

    redeem urself by fisting his anus