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About DragunovV

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Your post was very helpful. Thank you for that. /sarcasm Actually, 2 private messages already. I'll repond to those later. Ty.
  2. ^ Title. - Chernarus or Takistan. (+ Namalsk) - Has to have 20+ players during Europe daytime (Afternoon/Evening) - 3rd person enabled, more vehicles, etc - Active admins (preferably reachable on mumble/skype/TS) - No hackers! Please contact if you run a server like this. grtz, DragunovV + 2 other players
  3. Right.. so if we are really hackers, why would we ASK him for the gun back? Why not just "spawn" another? Think again.. I'm not sure you got your priorities in order. You're willing to overlook someone who is obviously HACKING (teleporting, instantly spawning flairs for visibility (apparently no weapon-spawn hack, or he wouldn't need this), and likely invisibility hack), just because someone joined another server? Wow.. just wow. The "crash heli" ? Have you ever found a heli? You know there's a set SPAWN POINT for the heli, right? You know you can REPAIR it, right? Also, we have a camp. Easy to save stuff there. And how can you say "idont see any admin abuse going on". Have you even WATCHED the video?
  4. Petrus here, post confirmed. The amount of "F*CK" he said makes me think he was playing himself, and not his so called "friend".