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Posts posted by undertoker

  1. to be honest every other player ive ever seen has just killed me, prior to me getting a weapon sadly

    most of the time i havent even seen them

    its a bit of a struggle to get into the game at all as such, but ill strugge on until i get somewhere

    i guess im just one of the few who wouldnt kill another player and as such i struggl to get anywhere

    ah well, ill keep trying to get a gamer and get a game i can get somewhere in

  2. its tricky to get the mod running and join a server (for a novice) , but i sussed iteventually

    its an equally difficult interface to get used to, i still cant seem to speak to anyone unless they are next to me, the group, vehicle channels dont seem to have anyone in that replies, i must be doing somthing wrong ?

    the broken bones are a pain, i crawled around for hours looking for a cure in the shape of some morphine. never did find it.......

    itd be nice to start with a pistol, is there servers that do this ?

    is there any servers out there that cater for noobs and have friendly people on them ? i saw one person in the flesh, once, in abotu 10 hours of play.

    he axed me to death when my back was turned

    its a shame because i like the concept, enough to have bought arma 2 just to play dayz, but i cant seem to learn much about it, and i feel frustrated that i cant find anyone, on any server, who will help me.

    part of it is not really understanding the arma2 chat interface i guess, the rest is down to the sheer size of the maps maybe, and then theres the fact that people just want the few bits you do pick up and kill you lol

    if anyone does have the time id love to learn how to play it a bit better and even get hold of a gun to blast a few zombies

    anyway, my name is john im 44 and live in the UK

    hi to all and what a great mod this is
