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Everything posted by fkkeizer

  1. fkkeizer

    Give Current Dayz Players Free Game Keys On Release

    I'm fucking grateful that BI and Rocket are giving us a better, running on a great engine, stand alone. And honestly I think hardly anyone will notice the few whiners who won't buy it, especially for this fucked up reason.
  2. fkkeizer

    Hero vs Bandit

    A tazer would be extremely nice to have in the game, and would probably reduce PKing. Althought it shouldnt be just for heros.
  3. fkkeizer

    How about a Kill Cam?

    Extremely bad and unrealistic idea.
  4. A week ago or so, my mates and I found a truck in the quarry. We just finished repairing and wanted to leave when the truck got blown to pieces by a few guys on the rocks behind us, and we couldn't fire back or anything because we couldn't fire our guns(Not that we had time to do that, in this case, though) and were an easy target. That got me thinkin' for a bit: Now anyone with a reasonable gun shoots a vehicle(except for the huey) on sight if there aren't too many people in it. Because people in the vehicle are vulnerable and first have to get out before they can fire back. Why aren't there any vehicles(boats/land vehicles) that make the others go 'FUCK ITS A ..., HIDE'? I'd love to see (lightly) armored vehicles or vehicles with mounted weapons on them. Ofcourse these would be military-grade and rare, yet a very valuable asset. These vehicles, and just like other vehicles, could be shot at the tires and come to a standstill. So you won't have a mobile armed death machine driving carelessly around your camp/hideout. It should also have other weak spots, but also be able to fend itself of or pack a punch for longer than the usual car. Examples for vehicles could be(russian/ukraine or not): ^Couldn't resize this one for some reason :S (can float, too) Haters gonna hate. PS: I don't know the names of these vehicles, just some examples of what I had in mind. PPS: Sorry for any grammatical errors of some sort :P
  5. fkkeizer

    More (useful) vehicles.

    Well I don't want that, however I do find that we lack vehicles which aren't a death trap when you drive them through a town.
  6. fkkeizer

    More (useful) vehicles.

    There are military weapons in Dayz, there are humvee wrecks all over the place. And now it's odd that I want more (drive able)military-like/stronger vehicles? :S
  7. fkkeizer

    More (useful) vehicles.

    Not so sure about the windowed seats, but yeah, people should defo be able to shoot out of (most) vehicles.
  8. fkkeizer

    Abandoned Vehicles and Car Parts

    All 'fine' vehicles should be drivable(eventually, after repairs) IMO I'd rather have more vehicle choices and fuel being more rare, than what it is now.