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Everything posted by thomashye

  1. thomashye

    Massive Lag and FPS drop

    This isn't a DayZ specific problem I recently had this problem too with extremely low fps (capping at 20 something, and going as low as 3) I was normally able to play Arma 2 OA and DayZ with no trouble whatsoever, but suddenly i started getting this. Extremely frustrated i tried remembering what i had done before this happened. Installed ACE mod. Installed Battleye update when i joined a server. Changed video settings Tried removing ACE (obviously) no change, as it's not used in dayz at all. Tried changing video settings, both in game and in configs. Nothing. BUT THEN! As a last resort i went to the battleye website http://www.battleye.com/download.html And got the correct .dll file, pasted it where it was supposed to, and prayed for the best Went into arma 2 oa hoping for the best (i had basically given up) and holy S#"% it worked. I hope this will work for you guys as well. Keep in mind, i had a high fps beforehand, and suddenly after the battleye update, it went bad. TL;DR I may have fixed the sudden fps drop. go here http://www.battleye.com/download.html Paste into correct folder, and hope for the best. Update: After i quit the game and entered it again, the fps drop returned. Now i'm confused... Update 2: I just tried launching arma 2 oa directly from the folder in steamapps/common. Now the FPS is high again. Uh.. try both things? dayz doesn't launch with steam, so do the .dll thing and see if it works. This is really weird.