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Everything posted by jasonX12

  1. and yes jason X is me dekz. i entered your clan without you even knowing. i was guna kill you in-game but now im not hench why iv shown myself to you. i think enough is enough and let this be the end please. iv told tyras to leave it be so leave us alone and i promise you will not here from us ever again.
  2. ben you cant say jack shit because this your own doing kid. you should'nt have made all that stuff up about me (you know you did). all i asked you was a friendly question then out of nowhere you started to troll me. next time you will think twice about trolling someone. i didnt want any of this i promise you
  3. hey all im jason im 21 and av been playing this 4 about a week. its tough on your own so i would a group to join.
  4. iv applied how long til i can join u guys?
  5. hi can i join? i need a clan
  6. jasonX12

    Introduce yourselves

    hey all im kinda new im 21 from uk and av been playing for about a week. anyone wana team up?