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Posts posted by Gunslinger342

  1. Cherno Champions is a fairly new clan, we are looking for new and experienced players. Looking for someone to watch your back when you go into a town? Or into an airfield? Need help watching over a vehicle? We are a good group of players who watch out for one another. So just reply in this forum if you think you are interested!


    Play style:

    Have you had experience in a clan?:

    How long have you played DayZ?:

    Bandit or Survivor?:

    Edit: Just so everyone knows we do have both survivors and bandits within the clan but we work together.

  2. Forum Name: Gunslinger342

    Game Name: Gunslinger342


    Gender: Male

    Mic: Headset

    Play Style: Casual, I just got the game and I've only played a couple of times but I want to get more into DayZ. I feel like you need friends and clanmates to really enjoy the game, so I would really like to join you guys and hopefully learn some tricks from you guys. I have played Arma 2 before Dayz and I did get pretty good at being a Sniper and Rifleman.

    Humanity: Its probably low because I just started playing and haven't ran into any other players yet to heal or give them blood.

    How long have you been playing: I've only played in game twice, maybe 4 hours tops.

    I just want to say that even though I'm new to DayZ I can still follow orders and stuff. I have been in a clan in the past and we mainly played Project Reality, so I know how to run with a clan. I hope you guys consider me, also I don't have specific times I play as right now Im a recent college grad and I'm looking for a job. I'm just looking for a group to have fun with and get in and watch each others backs.
