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Marat (DayZ)

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About Marat (DayZ)

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  1. Marat (DayZ)

    Need Steak? We can help.

    Made my 110th delivery today. Died for the first time yesterday after 68 days due to an ATV crash.
  2. DayZ Meals on Wheels. Inspired by the great work of Dr. Wasteland MD, we bring cooked meat right to your doorstep... or, uh, barn door. If you need meat, post on our Steam group or search for ZMOW in groups. http://steamcommunity.com/groups/zmow We are a group of hunters, that enjoy the irony of hunting other animals while being hunted. We are neutral, so we do not discriminate against anyone. Here is how it works: 1) Provide a TS or Vent server to chat on. You must have a mic. 2) We'll set up a meeting spot. Tells us what server. 3) Couriers come with 2 steaks and carry less than $50 after 6pm. Couriers bring no other equipment. 4) We do not accept payment or tips. 5) Enjoy your meat! FYI: Dr Wasteland MD Medical Assistance Program http://www.dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4581 Small print: We are not affiliated with Meals on Wheels or Dr. Wasteland. They do good work, though. Kudos!
  3. Marat (DayZ)

    Spawned Inside Building

    Date/Time: June 19,2012 9pm ET What happened: Spawned inside a building Where you were: Solnichy What you were doing: Spawning *Current installed version: 1714 with Beta *Server(s) you were on: Seattle *Your system specs: Windows XP. Quad CPU. 4 GB RAM. GForce9600. *Timeline of events before/after error: Spawned with a new character. When I loaded on to the map, there was another player stuck inside the same building with me. We crawled near the door to see if we could get out. We did, however, it broke our bones and damaged us.
  4. Marat (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Yeah Zarlak, I think that would be awesome. Now, imagine, someone does this out by the NW Airfield. You're stranded far away from everything with very little. In many ways it is a fate worse than death, but, you're still alive. That's where the moral line is and things start to get gray. You're still giving them some sort of chance, and you have made lots of difficult choices along the way.
  5. Marat (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    Dogz, I think it does fit the storyline because this is a "sandbox"--meaning the only story is the one that we create ourselves. The other great aspect of the game is morality, which is different than the law. What is "right" or "wrong" is governed by what is best for the social order. This does not change just because there are zombies. What is interesting about this game is whether you shoot on site and become a bandit, or you try to interact with someone and work together. So if you are going to be punished for shooting people, you need to provide alternatives, so people actually have a choice. In my similar post http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=4970&highlight=incapacitate, I told the story about how I did not want to kill two bandits, but was forced to. I literally had no other choice.
  6. Marat (DayZ)

    Non-lethal weapons and traps.

    I had a similar post (couldn't find yours when I searched). So I'm moving ideas over here: 1) Flash Grenades 2) A club 3) Incapacitate Action Flash Grenades could be beneficial to all -- regardless of non-lethal intent. As for clubs, it would be nice to build a club out a piece of wood/firewood (now that it is plentiful). This would have no effect on zombies, but you could daze an enemy you struck. This would be of use in urban, close quarters combat. Someone comes up the stairs and you club them to stun them temporarily. Your club might break. I'd also like to be able to shoot someone in the leg to break it, and then to run up to them and perform an incapacitating action on them. If successful, they would get the "hourglass" while I could loot their body quickly. Also, I don't think these items would be rare, as every police station has them and you can easily make things like clubs and rubber bullets.
  7. Marat (DayZ)

    Incapacitating Weapons and Actions

    For the club, I was imagining close quarters combat inside pubs and apartments. Someone comes up the stairs and then you hit em. I think the reason there are so many bandits is because they adopt a "shoot first" mentality, and then they are branded as a bandit and then it begins a vicious cycle of kill and be killed. Knifing a zombie as a last resort is definitely needed too, but this suggestion is about giving players choices when they meet.
  8. Marat (DayZ)

    Incapacitating Weapons and Actions

    Yeah bcool, that's the idea. But now imagine that if you held someone they could not shoot you when they woke up, so you could talk with them. So you could shoot them in the leg or stomach, and they go down, you hold em while your buddy grabs his gun away from him so you can be civil. Then, you give him some morphine and as you leave, you drop his pistol for him and run away. That seems really interesting to me, and adds another level of dimension to the game.
  9. Marat (DayZ)

    Incapacitating Weapons and Actions

    I would think that Flash grenades would be of value to bandits as well. Rubber bullets could be made from found supplies, so they could be different ways to make your equipment. Also, I'm saying there should be an action to incapacitate someone, which could be of value to everyone. Imagine, someone runs up to you. You're not sure if they are friendly. So, you incap them, until you ascertain that they are friendly. My whole point is that if you have a Humanity score, you need to provide alternatives.
  10. "Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster..." - Friedrich Nietzsche I'd very much like to have the ability to incapacitate a foe without killing them. For equipment, this could manifest in things like: 1) Flash Grenades 2) Rubber Bullets 3) Pepper Spray 4) Any sort of non-lethal etc... 5) A club I would be nice to build a club out a piece of wood. This would have no effect on zombies, but you could daze an enemy you struck. I'd also like to be able to shoot someone in the leg to break it, and then to run up to them and perform an incapacitating action on them. If successful, they would get the "hourglass" while I could loot their body quickly. Although this may seem silly to those that don't think twice about murdering someone in a game, I think this is a crucial feature that is missing because, if there is only the option to kill, then that becomes the default. What is interesting about this game is the moral decisions one must make in order to survive. Having the ability to Incapacitate a Bandit rather than kill them would make gameplay even more interesting and would provide more options in regards to retaining your humanity. To give some context, my character was alive for 32 hours without killing a single player. I had been shot at dozens of times, but was able to avoid shooting back. However, once, I was stuck in the Air Traffic Control tower at the Airstrip. Unprovoked, two hostiles (one bandit and one survivor) came assaulting my buddy and me, and they killed my friend. Trapped in the tower, I had no choice but to kill them in self-defense once they stormed the tower. I did not want to fight them, but I had no other choice since I was surrounded and trapped. I did kill them, but I would have much rather not. Ironically, my humanity dropped and I became a bandit. I'm just saying that whole exchange might have been even more interesting if I was able to incapacitate them instead. Sure, chances are that I would have died in the process, but that was the choice I wanted to make. I think the very essence of this mod forces you to think about how you want to behave. Please consider!