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Everything posted by Boomstick_

  1. Every time I post in there about some fucked up thing that happened to me (hacker destroying a schoolbus of fresh spawns or someone griefing hardcore with barb wire) they downvote the fuck out of me and type "LOL U MAD" over and over and over.
  2. Boomstick_

    WTT Ghillie

    Found a Ghillie and I prefer the hero skin. Not a sniper as I'm friendly towards players and don't see the point in sniping zombies so does anyone want the Ghillie suit? Looking to possibly trade for some sort of silenced weapon to make killing zombies easier so they don't all flood on me when I fire.
  3. Boomstick_

    WTT Ghillie

    Cherno area. I like to stay on the coast to help new players out even though most betray me :(