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Andrew C

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Everything posted by Andrew C

  1. Andrew C

    Looking for a partner.

    If you'd like you join my server. We have all different skill levels and people from all over the world. We would love to have you join us. Personal message me if interested.
  2. Andrew C

    Looking for somebody to play with

    If you feel like changing servers sdm4 meeting some new people you can come over to mine. You can go to facebook.com/DayZAndrewAndFriendsPrivateHive for more information. Hope to hear from you.
  3. Andrew and Friends still looking for Friends! You can find us on facebook. www.facebook.com.DayZAndrewAndFriendsPrivateHive
  4. Thank you for your Service!!! Welcome to Andrew and Friends, check your personal messages. Hope to see you on.
  5. Welcoming party tomorrow! Sunday 1/6/13 All Day! Click below for more Information! http://www.facebook.com/DayZAndrewAndFriendsPrivateHive
  6. Andrew C

    Looking for people to play with.

    If your interested you can join my server. Personal message me if interested
  7. Welcome Friends, i sent you information via personal message! hope you have fun! Come find us on facebook for more information! http://www.facebook....endsPrivateHive
  8. Andrew C

    Andrew And Friends

    If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal). Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information. Name: Age: Location: Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero Hobbies:
  9. Andrew C

    Andrew And Friends

    For more info http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109636-andrew-and-friends-looking-for-more-friends/page__gopid__1094029#entry1094029
  10. If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal). Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information. Name: Age: Location: Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero Hobbies:
  11. Andrew C

    Andrew and Friends (Private Hive)

    For more info http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/109636-andrew-and-friends-looking-for-more-friends/page__gopid__1094029#entry1094029
  12. Gtasoldierboy welcome hope to see you on! Check your personal message.
  13. Welcome taski. See you on.
  14. Welcome virus571. Check your personal messages.
  15. If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal). Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information. Name: Age: Location: Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero Hobbies:
  16. Andrew C

    Andrew And Friends

    If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal). Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information. Name: Age: Location: Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero Hobbies:
  17. Andrew C

    Andrew and Friends (Private Hive)

    If you are looking for a more friendly server, im not guaranteeing your safety, and a little more leisure to play Dayz without getting killed every hour or so because you have gun. Well Andrew And Friends is a great server to play on. We are looking for people to play on our server and make some friends. You can meet us on Team Speak at (Admins are Andrew C, Elyas, Madman Mikeal). Repost your information below and come join us on ts for more information. Name: Age: Location: Play Style: survivor, bandit, hero Hobbies:
  18. i sent you a message with our information. hope to see you on.
  19. Yesterday i started to collect atv's on us 3965, my friends ended up collecting a few bycicles and then a bus. They left it at all at coordinates 093:048. i checked it the following morning, and it was all gone. Thought it was a server glitch... So i went back to the atv that i crashed and blow up, where my friend saved me. I ended up fixing that atv (it was destroyed) and parking it out in the middle of BFN. (101)(79), stopped playing for a few hours and then came back to check to see if it was gone. Guess what.... No longer there. There is a strong correlation of vehicles that weren't fixed being left alone, and vehicles being repaired and then gone missing. I wish i did have picks or stronger proof of but my friends have a pic of them with all there vehicles at the first location... Don't have a pic of it afterwards. Server admin abuse or hackers teleporting fully repaired vehicles.
  20. I would love this game even if I came across more friendlies. As asurvivor I have killed a few bandits. I have seem multiple survivors and would like to help but I can't seem to trust people because I have chosen to leave people alone because I saw them first and decided to leave only to get taken out later. In short, would love to see more team work or help from strangers then getting killed.
  21. Andrew C

    Cautious survivor

    Whats your clan name? Pm me.