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Everything posted by Richard_Turpin

  1. Richard_Turpin

    Have Bizon SD + ammo, seeking CZ550 + ammo.

    What's this? A survivor trading a rare military grade silenced weapon for simple civilian hunting rifle? Is he mad?! WHY YES! YES I AM! After spending months eating nothing but beans and living in a constant state of paranoia, I am in drastic need of a psycho-evaluation! But in the mean time, I've got a great deal for you today! I am currently in possession of a Bizon SD SMG, along with three 64-bullet mags! Ditch those "dinner bells" you call guns and get yourself a weapon that brings whispering death to those pesky zombies, without attracting ANY unwanted attention! You can have all this for the low-low price of one CZ550 and three magazines! So why wait?! Contact me for a trade today before I regain my sanity and change my mind! Happy trails! TL;DR: Trading a Bizon SD SMG + 3 mags for a CZ550 + 3 mags. Contact me in this thread or via pm to arrange a time and place.
  2. Richard_Turpin

    Have Bizon SD + ammo, seeking CZ550 + ammo.

    Nevermind! I was just looting a farm house and found one! That's a nice bit of luck.
  3. Richard_Turpin

    Have Bizon SD + ammo, seeking CZ550 + ammo.

    Meh. I find it effective enough at killing zombies. I knew this would be a hard sell!
  4. Richard_Turpin

    Have Bizon SD + ammo, seeking CZ550 + ammo.

    I'd hazard to say that you're using it wrong, sir! Do you often aim for the shins?! Sucks?! No, it BLOWS! Blows you AWAY!
  5. Richard_Turpin

    Heroes few and far between?

    There's a few of us out there. Only got my hero skin the other day, had to run away from a few axe-wielding newbies that I tried to help but it's a pretty damn cool skin to have. Just gotta hope that some people see it down the end of a sniper scope and think twice about shooting you (not many people will). Good luck out there.
  6. Richard_Turpin

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Two pages already? We're growing nicely I think.
  7. Richard_Turpin

    Story of the Unexpected Limousine Service

    Never have I been so proud to give a man my beans (yes, I know how that sounds). Cool story, bro (seriously).
  8. Richard_Turpin

    New Clan the Cherno Champions

    Forum Name: Richard_Turpin Game Name: Richard_Turpin Age: 20 Gender: Male Mic: Yes Play Style: I tend to help others out when I can but I can be very cautious as I have played almost exclusively on my own. I don't take things too seriously but I do appreciate good teamwork as much as a good atmosphere. I tend to use mid-long range weapons but I also enjoy using silenced weapons when they're available. Humanity (Number or type): Hero (can't remember the exact number, only recently got the hero skin) How long have you been playing: Since mid-June roughly on and off.
  9. Richard_Turpin

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Top two download links should be for the windows client. Enjoy. http://www.teamspeak...?page=downloads
  10. Richard_Turpin

    Join Our DayZ Group

    IGN: Richard_Turpin Age: 20 Location: UK
  11. Richard_Turpin

    Who's on right now with a group of people??

    Listen to this guy, bro. You'll find all kinds of people there.
  12. Richard_Turpin

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Richard_Turpin Steam Name: Richard_Turpin Age: 20 Mic: Yes Preferred role: Spotter/Assault. I am currently geared towards a spotter role. Timezone: GMT+1 How often do you play a day and at what times: Varies wildly, usually mid-afternoon until late 2 hours+. I can be available for almost any organised meet-ups if given advanced warning. I've been looking for an organised group for a while, getting fed up with the lone-wolf life in DayZ.
  13. Richard_Turpin

    helicopter crash site

    That's the nature of DayZ. Almost every time I've gone to a crash site I have found something worth keeping. Keep looking and you'll find yourself some great weapons eventually.
  14. Richard_Turpin

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Just read this thread for the first time. Good to know there's people willing to help out the less fortunate of us in the wilderness! I hope I won't be needing your help any time soon.
  15. I got my hero skin today. It's been a long time coming, and a very tense one trying to find that last survivor to help to get my last bit of humanity. Since Monday I was on 4988 humanity, finally encountered a wounded newbie today outside Elektro, gave him a transfusion and my M1911. Fortunately he didn't try to shoot me in the back and I now have my new swanky clothing! I'll post an update if I notice any differences in my interactions with other players.
  16. Richard_Turpin

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    Hi there! I really like the sound of this group, and would really be interested in joining. However, as to the requirement of spending time in TS, should I hop in the chat and socialize with the group? I would really like to get stuck in with this. My in-game name and steam name is also Richard_Turpin. EDIT: I've just been on your TS server and a couple of very helpful members have filled me in!