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Everything posted by bryantjudoman

  1. bryantjudoman

    I hate walking dead the series....

    (looks around) Nope you ARE alone!
  2. bryantjudoman

    If you want free beans come here!!!!!!!!

    Ok so me and my friends spent an hour gathering suplies and fixing up a helicopter. Then after it was all fixed...and fueled we had to decide who to fly it. There were severall of us who could competently do the job however we were all wanting to do so. So we got in a heated discussion with about 8 of us jumping around yelling as to who was the most qualified. It was about then that we noticed our ride flying away. We never did find out who took it.
  3. bryantjudoman

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    you sir are a scholar AND a gentleman!
  4. bryantjudoman

    This isnt a game it... changes people.

    Or you could...go to the darkside...we got :beans:
  5. bryantjudoman

    DayZ Development Blog #1: The end of the beginning

    I am really excited to see this! Way to go Rocket your dream is becoming reality!
  6. bryantjudoman

    Hack Me Down...

    I was on a us server yesterday afternoon and everyone was suddenly mass telleported to cherno. What was cool however was NO one started shooting and we all just sprinted to the nearest forests and made our escapes.
  7. Hi I am looking to join a new clan. The people I am currently playing with is not really a clan just a loose group of people who sometimes play together on teamspeak. They have several youngsters who like to play. They often enjoy hunting new spawns, and hacking stuff in the game. They will also frequent only daytime servers with very few players so they don,t lose their great gear. I just don,t want to play like that. So I am looking for an adult oriented clan, or at least a bunch of dudes that act in a mature fashion. I am on teamspeak. thanx for your time
  8. bryantjudoman

    I'm looking for a new clan.

    still looking.
  9. bryantjudoman

    The sad thing about this game...

    The Arma 3 engine is going to DESTROY all the crappy ass clone competitors. I would bet my last dollar Rocket has kept a few ACES tucked up his sleeve for just such an occasion!
  10. bryantjudoman

    The future of Day Z: Standalone Discussion

    I think this engine is great the realistic quality of the world is what is creating emotion. I bet the arma 3 engine will be more than up for the task.
  11. bryantjudoman

    Green mountain...

    It is a land of mystery and of course...DEATH!
  12. bryantjudoman


    your picture caused me to have an "endgame"
  13. I never bother to watch these stupid scripted interviews. I watched every second of that one though. I like that rocket dude he seems very down to earth. I like what he said about the industry HAVING to take notice now that there is such a massive player base of fanatical fans. This game will be worth millions and millions very soon. I am betting there are a couple big gaming companies working feverishly on copycat games even as he speaks.
  14. bryantjudoman

    Favorite Weapon Types Poll

    Hey where my shottie?
  15. bryantjudoman

    Romero Zombie vs Rage Infected

    I want slow zombies that simply can't be killed. They can only be slowed down by blowing their limbs off or hacking them to pieces with an axe. I know this is an impossibility because of the limitations of today's computers and the time it would take to program however SOMEDAY? Kind of in the same vein as return of the living dead but slow as apposed to fast. Perhaps they could be fast just for a brief time after initial death due to their blood still being warm however they would slow down within a minute or two.
  16. bryantjudoman

    strange glitched map?

    Ok so I found a map in a house among some loot. Now this map is MAGIC. It shows my position as a blue circle with a little line pointing in the direction I am travelling. It also shows the position of nearby zeds as well as their orientation. The zeds show up as yellow circles with a line showing which direction they are facing. I bet it would have even shown other players but I was killed before I saw anyone else alive. Anyone else seen one of these magic maps. This was actually the second one I have found.
  17. bryantjudoman

    How did you discover Day Z?

    I was sitting on the fence on whether or not to pick up arma 2 sisnce I missed the last sale. Then I heard about this day z mod for arma from pc gamer site. I checked out a couple vids and saw what players on this site where saying and BAM one more copy sold. Well actually 2 more I got my brother in law to get it as well. And damn happy I got it!
  18. bryantjudoman

    Where's My Candians At?

    Ya i,m from Vancouver as well. But am looking at moving permanently to Cherno. Pm me as well and tell me when and where we can all meet up and play. Throw a little bacon on maybe whip up a pancake or two. wash it all down with a brewski. sound good.
  19. bryantjudoman

    First impression: This sucks.

    Ok to fix the blurry affect simply set your 3d resolution to match your monitor resolution. M9ne is 1920*1080. I use a amd 6790 vid card a long way off from top of the line and yet this game is as clear as an azure sky of deepest blue!
  20. I enjoy using maps just to find some of the off the beaten track locations such as castles.
  21. bryantjudoman

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Wow this is so cool thanx for the info it is nice having a developer ACTUALLY post stuff. thank you.
  22. I run it on hight settings with a 6790. There is obviously something wrong with your video card a 560ti is plenty to run this game on high smooth as silk. Or perhaps invidia is junk.
  23. bryantjudoman

    Hacking is out of control

    Ya I was on a server last night and suddenly shot up 50" in the air and came crashing down to my death. Then I noticed everyone on the server was being killed. That was the 3rd time this week hackers have set up mass kills. IT SUCKS!
  24. bryantjudoman

    DayZ Has Some Problems

    Ya if you play this game just to "farm" the good loot you are missing the whole point of the game. It is ALL about trying to stay alive as long as you can while moving through ALL the various towns, cities and hamlets. Try to imagine that you just woke up there and you don.t know jack about the place. You don,t know there are military tents in cherno or stary. Just move around the map and have fun exploring and trying to stay alive. Then and ONLY then will you "get" the day-x experience.
  25. bryantjudoman

    Build/buy computer for Day Z?

    I tried not to keep track too much on what I spent but it musta been close to 2 grand all in. Now mind you that is most of the best IMPORTANT parts I could find so it will last just by changing vid cards, cpu,s. I use a 24" you could get away with a fraction of that already because parts have come down a lot since then already. I bought my parts in blocks. first i picked up the case and power supply, next was ram, hd,and ssd, next was motherboard cpu cpu cooler, last was vid card I went with a less expensive vid card because I was waiting till the 7000 series came out. Last was monitor I had most of the peripherals already. New wgg is a godsend for all the reviews it has on there!