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Everything posted by bryantjudoman

  1. bryantjudoman

    Suggestion You Will Absolutely Hate

    I hate this idea!
  2. bryantjudoman


    Woo Hoo FREE BUS!
  3. bryantjudoman

    Inventory/Backpack Space Utilization

    YES I totally support this idea. As is now the backpack system is lacking. But the game is general is awesome!
  4. I personally hope they don,t spend even one more second working on this mod. I am so so much looking forward to this being turned into a stand alone game! Yes a standalone game built with the arma 3 engine. Just thinking about it gives me the warm fuzzies.
  5. bryantjudoman

    [ViDEO] I just became a fucking crow

    Ya i had this happen as well. I thought it was too darn cool. I flew around for quite a while but didn,t see any movement in any towns so I quit.
  6. bryantjudoman

    Stucked at loading screen

    Ya i am having the same isue I am as well far off the beaten path wonder if that has anything to do with it?
  7. bryantjudoman

    Cheaters are out of control

    Op you are a knob
  8. bryantjudoman

    They will address racism but not rape?

    Yes just describing a virtual rape in detail is enough to outrage and deeply hurt some individuals. ANYONE I see on chat describing such a horrendous act will be reported immediately and I hope will be IP banned. Imagine if someone suffered such act in real life and then had to relive it in the game world because some insensitive creep wanted to get their kicks. IT MUST BE STAMPED OUT.
  9. simole solution make the game ie zombies harder and give less ammo! put more zeds in the forests to weed out wookies.
  10. bryantjudoman

    Dayz theme tune?

    I prefer the mall music from the originall Dawn Of the Dead. de da da da- de da da da.- de da da dala dala da da da. It creeps me out every time.
  11. bryantjudoman

    Zombie population

    I like the idea of zeds spawning in forests and moving towards towns...more zeds. Plus the idea of zeds not spawning within x number of meters from players. Plus a slight increase to the time between zed spawns there SHOULD be a benefit to killing them.
  12. bryantjudoman

    Cannibalism and You.

    I think it is a juicy idea!
  13. bryantjudoman


    zobies with guns is a no go for me too. I would like to see slower zeds and the stamina of players decreased so the zeds still have a chance.
  14. bryantjudoman

    In game timer

    Ok simple I NEED an in game timer just so I can see how long I lasted till I got ate up.:D
  15. bryantjudoman


    +1 as well i like the idea of robbing people without killing them.
  16. bryantjudoman

    Slower zeds running idea

    Hi I would like to see the zeds run slower it would be more realistic. The way to balance this would be to implement an exhaustion feature for the living. If you run more than 100 m. fast you would get tired and have to walk slower it would change if you were injured or sick ie 100 m would become 50m or 25m. Thus the zeds could still catch you because they never tire. It would prevent people crawling forever through towns or running forever between towns to outrun hordes. thank you.
  17. bryantjudoman

    Slower zeds running idea

    Ya i like the idea of stamina affecting mele combat as well
  18. bryantjudoman

    What the fuck? Where's the persistence?

    If it is as some say and staying on the same certain causes persistance in the game world then that is good enough. However if your persistant world is altered everytime the server rests then that just won,t do. We need to be able to set up our safe houses and our owl little Shangrillas from time to time. besisdes it takes days to fix a car.
  19. bryantjudoman

    Did anyone buy Arma 2 solely for this mod?

    I saw it on a game site. Then checked out a vidi or two, the dayz forums then bought it. Yes and it was just for this mod. So far it is one of the best 30 bucks I have spent on gaming.
  20. The night is PERFECT as it is. Yes in the cities in r.l. you have light everywhere . But once you venture out in the forest or countryside darkness IS pitch black. My advice... suck it up princess and grow a set!
  21. bryantjudoman

    Reintroducing Humanity: Thoughts

    I like some kind of mechanic where the zeds are DRAWN to evil people just a little bit more than the average joe.
  22. I for one think you are doing an amazing job and will try to survive the onslaught as best I can. Thanx for the challenge.