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mad rabbit (DayZ)

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About mad rabbit (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. mad rabbit (DayZ)

    'Save Old Camping Tent' action not being removed

    Update #1: My tents are gone on the 'ANZ2' and 'US HC 2' servers! :-( Seemed to coincide with multiple server resets and release of 93121 beta release. Redployed new tent on ANZ2. This action bug is no longer occurring i.e. action removed properly once out of proximity of tent. Update #2: -Disappears when you change servers. -Appeared randomly whilst walking through forest ~30mins after deploying tent.
  2. Date/Time: 23 to 24/05/12 What happened: 'Save Old Camping Tent' action does not disappear from action menu once used and very much out of proximity of tent Where you were: Various locations on 3 different servers What you were doing: Saving currently deployed tents *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: ANZ2, US Hardcore 2, and FI1 *Your system specs: Clevo P150HMB Laptop *Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play. Happens after short/long play duration on a server. - Occurs on newly deployed tents and previously deployed tents - Tent contents appear to be saving correctly though - Started occuring after version
  3. Not sure if it helps but I tested the "tent_pitch.sqf" code offline and it doesn't appear to be anything wrong with it: I discuss it here in my tent duplication bug report: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=5102
  4. mad rabbit (DayZ)

    Tent Duplication

    Date/Time: 22/05/12 16:00 EST What happened: Spammed 'Pitch Tent' command (cause it's very hard to find an actual area to place a tent) and upon animation start, tent item was duplicated in gear. Packing-up setup tent also resulted in now obtaining 2 tents. Where you were: Open areas N of Chernarus (that's as specific as I'm getting!) What you were doing: Pitching a tent *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US Hardcore 2 ANZ2 *Your system specs: Clevo P150HMB Laptop *Timeline of events before/after error: Normal play *On a side note: I have even extracted the following code from 'tent_pitch.sqf' due to my initial frustration in trying to find a suitable area to pitch said tent for 2hrs: I made a small test map locally in the ArmA2 editor, tested possible locations to make sure they were suitable i.e. _isOk = true, then tried th same areas in-game/online but with no luck. Only the opening of the gear menu whilst moving and some spamming of the gear menu action seemed to get an offline verified area to work in-game/online for tent placement. I can make a video of the tent duplication and msimatch in area determination offline vs. online for tent placement if required.