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About thatdearguy

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  1. thatdearguy

    Here´s an crazy thought....

    Diluting the game into different game modes any further doesn't do anyone any good. Not when the av server population is already at an all-time low.
  2. thatdearguy

    *Way* more filter settings.

    At least we have those sorting options to make just a bit of sense of that. It's the subtler server settings that are getting on my nerves. I have a feeling we won't see a filter feature like this until DayZ hits at least beta, but.. it would be so convenient if it came earlier. It would save so many people so much time. I hope some dev will read this, but I probably shouldn't be getting my hopes up.
  3. thatdearguy

    *Way* more filter settings.

    A basic feature that I'm really missing in this game. I've wasted days hopping from server to server, not even really playing but trying to find out if a place was okay enough. This would have been easy if *everybody* added more information to their servers names, but as we all know this isn't exactly the case. Things I'd like to further filter servers on: - Public / Private - Persistence (1st / both) - Perspective (yes / no) - Whitelist (yes / no) - Timescale (including 0x for servers that have time fixed) - Time frame (for instance perma 12:00 - 15:00) - Server resets (yes / no) - Server reset frequency - Spawn rate multiplier for items, zombies, etc - Geographical location (as opposed to only ping) Now, I'm aware some of these can simply be sorted in the server window. But what with way that list updates and just the sheer length of it, it would be so much easier if I never had to deal with that. There are probably more things that set a server apart, but I'm not on top of this game as much as you guys are. I just hope this is enough to get the general idea across. Example of a site that does this for a server community: http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?page=serversearch
  4. thatdearguy

    Server favouriting

    Thanks, this will really help. I hope managing servers / hives will become easier soon.
  5. thatdearguy

    Server favouriting

    Hello droogies. Is it possible to favourite a server WHILE you are playing on it? I have to browse through so many servers that don't work / are not part of the hive or whatever I play on, that I can't be bothered to remember the names of the servers I do or can play on by the time I'm logged into them. Or is there some other trick I can use?
  6. thatdearguy

    Couple questions.

    So, move as fast as possible as long as possible, all the time? No shocker that hasn't been improved upon, players want to run. I hope that will be reconsidered once the vehicles are back. I also had a feeling how much I was carrying had an adverse effect on how quickly my character started making those panting sounds. But that was maybe because I was running already, I can't be sure now. Either way, I couldn't tell if that was affecting my water / energy levels.
  7. thatdearguy

    Couple questions.

    Thank you very much, that helps me a lot. I already tried recording a sample, but I still wasn't sure if that's how people were hearing me in the game. I guess there's little other way to be sure aside from asking somebody.
  8. thatdearguy

    Couple questions.

    6. Why do the Russians get special rules here? ;) (ignore)
  9. thatdearguy

    Couple questions.

    Hi there. I'm not exactly a greenhorn, but I haven't played DayZ since the mod days. I was hoping to ask a couple of question. 1. I thought running all-out would have become more taxing by now, but I'm not sure if it has. I still feel too much like an olympic runner and far less of an average joe. Simply put: If I walk instead of run, will I be able to cover more distance before I die of starvation / hypothermia? I did notice running seems to make me warmer, but that might come at an increased digestion rate or something. I'm not sure. Do you think running should be penalized more? 2. I've had my new mike running for a few days, but I'm not entire sure how well it's calibrated. There was one instance where I got the impression a guy standing on a crane couldn't hear me (until he jumped off and died - weird morning that was). Aside from talking to another player, what other ways might I be able to calibrate my mike? Any software or tricks? The mike came without any. 3. What is the physical difference between stable and experimental branch? I assumed up until now that DayZ Mod is experimental and Standalone stable, but I'm not entirely sure. I wouldn't mind being part of experimental to help things along a bit. 4. Why do some servers seem to be permanently stuck in a 'waiting for host' loop? Server configuration issues? I assume that, if I had my firewall setup wrongly, ALL servers would become unavailable, not just 10-20% of them. 5. FPS in cities seems to have already been discussed to a great extend, so I'm probably not bringing anything new to the debate there, but I couldn't help but notice my GPU (Gainward 780) is severly UNDER performing whilest in cities. What else is left? The textures are big, but surely no bigger than in forests what with all the foilage. So memory is out. Is this some bizarre CPU issue then? Does the Arma 3 engine handle this sort of landscape better? Thanks for bearing with me.
  10. I have a cold right now and it made me think. If the standalone is going to have some kind of dynamic weather system, nights could have slightly different temperatures also. Body temperature should be further affected by how fast you're moving in 'unshielded' vehicles, when you're not wearing thick enough clothing. Because it is DARNED easy to get sick that way sometimes. Examples: driving around on a motorcycle driving around in a car without windshields sitting near the sides / being the gunner of one of those helicopters that have open sides If you stand completely still, a stiff breeze should have the same effect. That + heavy rainfall should chill you down to the bone even if you're wearing a lot of clothing. Bonus thought: running around a lot can make you all hot & sweaty. But if you're not wearing a space suit, it will likely also make you a slight cold the instant you stop running. Getting sick & feverish on top of that would end up making you hotter as well.. HM.. all this calls for a more complex body temperature mechanic. Maybe keep track of a white blood cell count within the blood? I didn't get to post this in the little reddit suggestion event the other day. Felt like I needed to leave this somewhere. :)