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Everything posted by Tawn

  1. Hello we have just restarted our server and are looking for regular players of any nationality we currently have German and English players. IP - We have: - 90 + vehicles and 8 helis (UH1Y, MH60s, UH1H, MH6, AH6X, MI17, AN2, MV22) - Active Admins - Base building requires toolbox and entrenching tool (camo nets, pass coded gates etc...) - Self bloodbag (30 seconds not full health) - Removable Skins (take the clothes of the person you killed) - Removable vehicle parts - Auto Refuel - Added Buildings at; Cap Golova, Kehlm, NEAF, Vibor, NWAF, Staroye, Zelenogorsk, Kamenka and Kamarovo go see what you can find ;) - Custom Weapons such as; Scar Weapons, VSS Vintorez, Ak's, PKT, M8, L85 more soon come join us Thanks
  2. well come help add me on skype tawnsoul
  3. my tent disapeared today it stayed for 4 server restarts no problem server restarted at 2 now its gone vehicle aswell
  4. ive been playin about 3-4 weeks want some people to play with so i can survive longer and get some better gear
  5. Tawn

    Clan/Group starting

    ill join u been playin about 3-4 weeks i kinda know what im doin but gettin pissed off with getting killed all the time need some people to play with ive added u on skype tawnsoul
  6. Dayz Name: tawn How long have you played Dayz: about 5 weeks Time Zone: gmt +0 PvP experience: little bit Favorite Gun/Combo: mp5sd Team Experience: not alot on this game but willing to learn How familiar with the map are you?: i can find my way around Do you know how to use grid coords/ Compass bearings?: ye easy enough