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Everything posted by Deppy

  1. for me its.. FRIENDLY!! FRIENDLY! *Deppy was killed* U F*CKING PR*CK or Who Shot?!? WTF RUN RUN! annnd im dead.
  2. Deppy

    Standalone : Gameplay Difficulty

    Really? for me its just 1.
  3. Deppy

    Gun Proficiency

    Just a suggestion. this would make the game seem more realistic because a normal citizen isnt trained to use guns. soooooo maybe if you had to use a gun for a long time for your character to actually get used it to for example Reload speed , accuracy , weight and ofc controlling the recoil. just putting my ideas out there so only constuctive citicism pl0x
  4. I think it would make this game better , the 50cals are FAHHHK*N OP and the campers would have to use a sniper that actually takes skill to use.
  5. Deppy

    Gun Proficiency

    then maybe jus have proficiency for everything... EDIT: weapons are just a start anyways.
  6. Well i played alot of MW2 so i dont get angry at this game.
  7. Deppy

    Fixed tents/vehicles? Wipe the hive

    The hive needs to be wiped because there are tents and barbwire everywhere and reduce the artifacting..if i said that correctly.
  8. Deppy

    theytThis gaming community....

    always blamed on the kids...
  9. Deppy

    Underrated Weapons

    Winchester Glock Nuff said And the MK48 seems awesome havnt tried it though
  10. I take it like a Man because Gear is too Mainstream i just use Lee Enfield And a Map
  11. But you have lied about Dekz saying things that he has not done and you have been putting bullsh*t in his quotes to support your point. So... just stop lying to yourself and GTFO of our threads
  12. Deppy

    Younger Group Wanted

    Kids time to get in my blue van with no windscreens
  13. Guys ... In a war there will always be dirty battles and btw being a d*ck is what makes a bandit.
  14. For f*ck sake so much wall of texts
  15. My Current Setup is: M4A1 CCO SD - 6 MAGS DMR - 4 MAGS M9SD - 6 MAGS All the gadgets Medical supplies in Coyote Bag and food and drink in main inventory
  16. :o 3 to 4 days finding the stuff , thats long , it just takes me like a couple of hours
  17. Deppy

    Best Gun For Close Range Players?

    You may have my beansWell anything is good at cqc as long as you cap their ass first and dogde
  18. He's not 14 mate , and where did you hear that?
  19. Breaking someones leg and spareing their lives is enough to be a hero in this game
  20. Deppy

    Most intense hour of DayZ EVAR!!

    Thats cool , for that sir you have my beans