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About Simpe123

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  1. Simpe123

    Cheater & Joker on DE 181

    sounds pretty adult to wish someone to get cancer
  2. Simpe123

    Medical Supplies for trade

    hahaha you must be the leader noob on DayZ by the way, i'll give you my ghillie if you can give me 2 Epiderms
  3. Simpe123

    DayZ Memes

  4. Simpe123

    Cheater & Joker on DE 181

    I dropped/hidded the weapon already. I just wanted to report this cheater and needed some evidence. But... don't forget that this isn't a survival against zombies anymore it's against cheater and hacker, so if I can kill a cheater with a cheated AKM for instance I would do it.
  5. Simpe123

    Cheater & Joker on DE 181

    I wasn't sure about that, cause the joker had pink arms
  6. Simpe123

    AS50 TWS cheated on DE 733

    I expected comments like yours. I love to hunt hackers & cheaters and if they got stuff which can help me to hunt them down, than i'll use it. If I'd follow your codex, I could never pickup a weapon or equipment from a dead body again because, you can't be sure if its hacked or not, so I decide to use stuff that can help me... (don't forget that it's still a survival game) Btw. As soon as I find another sniper im gonna switch them and will hide the TWS. I don't really like it anyway
  7. Simpe123

    DayZ Memes

    http://t.qkme.me/3po5pd.jpg zombie apocalypse
  8. Simpe123

    DayZ Memes

    http://memecrunch.com/meme/8HPK/bad-dayz-memes bad dayz
  9. Simpe123

    DayZ Memes

    http://imgflip.com/i/2u3o weapon box
  10. Server DE 181 Date 08/25/12 Timezone GMT +2 Ghilli player: ([bGS] Hast) Joker player: Joker Video evidence: thanks
  11. Just Killed Julius (I'm not sure if he cheated the weapon or he killed the cheater) on the Server DE 733 and I looted his AS50 TWS We killed him a second time and 2 Minutes later there was "No message recieved" My Timezone is UTC +2 and it was 11:55 AM thanks guys
  12. Simpe123

    Cheater on LU34

    24.08.12. 01:00 AM our Heli and V3S Truck disappeared There was no server restart, no respawn and nothing Player Jigsaw and another one (cant remember his name) where the only one on this server with my team (notime, surprised,wolfie the fox, doxybene, paddy, joker) Timezone is UTC +2 please check this, its the secound time we've lost our entire equipment and vehicles