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Everything posted by Floody

  1. Hello everybody! I was wondering, that I can't update my Arma II Beta Patch. I wanted to join on a full server, with the version "1.62.96013" I think so, but I'm not sure. Now I wanted to update my Arma II Beta Patch on the same version, how the server is, but it doesn't work all the time! Every time I tried to update it, it will stay on my old version! Btw. my version is "1.62.95216" (I think so, but I'm again not sure". Can anyone help me with this big problem? And yeah I also tried to install Arma II and Arma II: Operation Arrowhead new, but it doesn't work.
  2. Thats really work for me! I'm so glad, that someone has taken this burden. Thank you so much for this awesome information, as I said I'm so glad about this. :-)
  3. And this should work? I'm wondering, that it's not take over 5 seconds to install this patch... is that normal? I think it's finished, because I get the message, that the patch is succesfully installed, but than it wouldn't work. Should I give the patch more than that seconds?