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About marcjpb

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. marcjpb

    My first impressions - DayZ Mod Vet

    Quick question : Are you one of those player that wanted to release no matter what states ? If so, why are you complaning, you got what you wish for. If not, why the heck did you buy the alpha when the issues your listing were known ?
  2. marcjpb

    Regarding the people complaining.

    sweet, Post to complain about people that complains lol. You wont change their mind with your cute little post or when you keep saying its an alpha shit will get fix. Just let people complain, should last a week or two and they will move to something else.
  3. marcjpb

    your thoughts so far!

    People should stop comparing Dayz the mod and the standalone. They should compare Dayz with something more recent like the Breaking Point mod for Arma3. Barely played, movement of the character was very nice. Mouse aiming was weird for me but I am pretty sure its just a bad sensitivity / accel in my settings. And hole shit, did you say servers ? Its crazy the numbers of server that is available.
  4. marcjpb

    Nighttime and metagaming

    I dont have any problem with the night time but, like someone said, I only play Dayz when my kids are in bed, which is around 8-9 PM. I would love to see the dayz server to be on a shorter time schedule, like a full day in dayz is 10hrs. This way, if you play around the same time every time, you will experiance different gameplay. I didnt play much yet but I really liked the concept of the night gameplay. I personally prefer day time but still enjoy night time.
  5. Man it must be cool to grow up half hr away from Cherno.
  6. From Rocket new Zombie AI, will pretty much put an obstacle between you and the zombie(s) and be outside of their vision range once they are around that said obstacle.
  7. marcjpb

    Regarding the radio in SA

    I dont think you will see this. Not with dubstep or teletobies anyway because the only radio channel that will be avaible will be the one run by the community. In the demo Rocket can though a bunch of regular satellite radio but i highly doubt those would be there.
  8. Not sure if the alpha will have more feature, but I am pretty sure it will have more content & gameplay experiance. As for the panel, I always liked them, create hype, show vision and unlike some other game company, they wont just say : Oki for this new feature, you ll need to buy it for 10$. This other one for 5$, or you can get the prenium pack for 50$ and will have free feature for the next year. Biggest thing, Dean is passionate about this game and will make a game for the gamers, not to reach certain numbers of sales.
  9. marcjpb

    Best place to start a hideout?

    lol. How will your "sanctuary" will be secret if you ask a public board for a good location ? I dont get it.
  10. marcjpb

    My DayZ review

    This is weird, who review a beta game over a year its been in beta ? Half of your points are bugs (due to beta), other half is what make dayz, dayz. Who would play dayz if you would just respawn with all your stuff when you die ? Hackers, well yes, they suck. Everyone hates them. Private hive and/or white list server help with that but this will lot more control once SA is out. To me, it just seem you didnt like dayz as the game concept, which is fine and you prolly died a few times to bandits and lost all your stuff. Its a very unique style and not suited for everyone. Have fun with your generic / same old shit shooter you seem to enjoy so much more.
  11. marcjpb

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Quagmire would be all over you lol.
  12. When you change your resolution, have you change the 3d resolution also ? Beside that, that is weird. Maybe refresh rate but I never seen making any issue. The only possible thing I could see is if your GPU have to do extra work to Upscale or downscale the feed for your monitor (kinda like a HD Signal on a SD TV). Are you using same type of connector (DVDI, vga, etc.) ?
  13. marcjpb

    Rocket quiet over holidays...

    lol. I like pointless thread like this that show up when people cant stand waiting for a game to come out lol. As for release date, yes I cant wait for Standalone, but I rather have the standalone when its ready. The other competitor have nothing to do with the fact he isnt release screen shot.
  14. marcjpb

    What the hell is going on with hackers?

    I think PVE server are worse then hackers lol.
  15. Like other say, play on low pop server. Always avoid fire shot at all time. I perfer to take a hit from a zombie and wasting a bandage to fix it then to shot. If you have to shoot, always prefer hand gun over bigger gun. Try to get a few friends to play with you too. A bandit seeing 2 or 3 people will be less tempted to engage then if you are alone. Low pop server will get used to whole zombie mecanic, how to avoid them, sneak, get rid of them, etc. When I am a fresh spawn, I dont bother ducking or crawling, I just run to a building and loose the zombies like that, worse case it fail and you die...losing nothing. And best advice I can give you : Dont get attach to your gear. You will die and lose everything. Once you know your away around cherno, its pretty easy to get starter gear from fresh spawn.