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Everything posted by dillanm

  1. dillanm

    Stuck at loading

    Sorry if this is a repost/something that comes up frequently but it's been bugging me so much I'm losing the will to even attempt to play DayZ any more. Essentially I can get into the lobby and when I hit connect or ok, whatever it is, I get a loading screen with a bar under it. The bar is always full but the screen never changes after that. Sometimes I can hear environmental sounds at that screen, but they fade soon after. This happens with 99% of servers I join and has only started happening recently. Software Specs; DayZ Commander Dayz (VER:, Arma 2 Beta Patch Ver: 93063) Win7 64-Bit Hardware: Intel core i7 2600k @ 3.4Ghz Nvidia GTX 560Ti Any help/advice would be wonderful as I genuinely love playing this game and it sucks that I can't.
  2. dillanm

    Weird Story

    Some people really are just crazy. There's every possibility he'd just killed another survivor and felt generous, so gave you his stuff. Awesome story though :)
  3. dillanm

    Female Zombies

    I actually think a more diverse zombie populace who move/attack based on age, condition etc. I also like the idea of zombies moving and being stronger (attacks do more damage) dependent on how long they've been spawned. I.e. fresh zombies are more whole, still partially human and hungry, stronger. Whereas older zombies are decaying, maybe even losing limbs and becoming hoppers/crawlers after a period of time and therefore do more damage. Possibly after killing/eating a survivor they regain some flesh, I dunno that seems a bit off.
  4. dillanm

    Bring back "respawn" feature

    The respawn button really was just abused as a means for people to get back to their stuff. The whole idea of DayZ is to not get attached to your gear; if you die you deal with it, suck it up and start again i.e. realism. To me, spawning further away is actually fun. You can scout all the small villages, some of them even have decent loot piles, and can potentially get geared before you even reach a city giving you a distinct advantage against other new spawns in the big cities.
  5. dillanm

    Stuck at loading

    I've found a solution that's worked for me so far but could still be only due to the reinstall I did. Navigate to your Arma 2 directory and go into the 'BESetup' folder. Run the BESetup executable file and install/re-install battleye Notice that there is another file created in the BESetup directory, Copy this file and navigate to the Arma2 : Operation Arrowhead directory and drop it in the main directory. Hopefully problem solved, it worked for me but I'll post again if it breaks.
  6. I have an Asus GTX 560Ti running at stock voltages and speeds. I've only noticed artifacts around Cherno where there was barbed wire/dead soldiers. And one other time in the wild.
  7. dillanm

    Stuck at loading

    Down patching had no effect. I think this is definitely a battleye problem as every time I join a server I get an error saying 'Battleye client not responding'. I'm gonna try reinstalling Arma2 CO. After that I'm out.
  8. dillanm

    Stuck at loading

    I might try down patching to 96015/16, hopefully that will work. Will post progress, only problem is that there's less servers on that version.