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DevilDust (DayZ)

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Everything posted by DevilDust (DayZ)

  1. DevilDust (DayZ)

    Admins of UK228 a Hackers ?

    Time: 22:30 - 23:30 my GMT +2 "Germany" Server: UK228 : What happend. Hello We were at 131,098 view from dayzdb.com, we just enterd the game an was looking around a bit, then 2 people in gilly suit "not sure what for a weapon" teleported right next to us an want that we put down the weapon, then we rann away and they shoot at us butt did not hit me, i turned arround at a tree and shoot a full magazin from my m16 in his body, he fired back and me and the hacker, name was "nick" i think, died. In the same moment my Brother fired a headshot against the other hacker with his "m4a1 cco" and "Dave" with an name behind Dave, not sure about this what it was, died. Then my brother ran to my boddy to save my gun, but then hey diet without a gunsound, just dropped dead. My Brother say that one of the Hackers wearing a Uniform, not the carmo and not the gilly. Then they teleport around the map and killed everey one on the server, sometimes just shoot, other times say get on the ground, drop your weapon over the voice channel. Allways Exotic weapons like "m249 Saw" or a "MK 48 Mod 0" they look like the same "nearly". And allways gilly suit. Myself getting killed 4-5 times because i tried to get my loot back. "the first and only time i found NV-Googles" i reported all of this to the admins of UK228 http://www.gamingmasters.org but the only thing that happend that my account was: "Gaming Masters - Error You have been banned for the following reason: Spam." For 3 lines in his Forum. So it seems that the two hackers was someone they know or even admins aof the server they want to protect.