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Everything posted by Xelous

  1. Good Morning one, Good Morning All, I'm coming to the boards for a rough straw poll.... Over the last month we've played DayZ on so many servers... Different time settings, different options... even tried Lingor and Takistan... Played the lot. In that time I've been shot, shot at, shooting and de-zombifying areas... I've joined groups, formed groups, led groups, left groups and laughed with groups... I've pretty much never annoyed anyone - save for a chap called Zombie Licker - who decided to smack talk about my Mum, after I asked him how he was one day... hey ho.... Anyway, as such a stand up, nice, almost (but not quite) model citizen of the post apocalyptic world I started to wonder, why da-faq, I'm banned from certain servers? I've done sweet FA wrong, I don't cheat, don't smack, don't hack... I just play.... My wife co-piloting with me.... Yet, there's certain servers I used to frequent from which I'm now banned, for absolutely no rhyme or reason. So, I ask you folks of the wilds... Are you getting banned from servers?
  2. Xelous

    Disturbing Trend

    --- Yes, I am intimating something here... But just now, answer the question :thumbsup: :beans: :)
  3. It has been a month, do we have an updated? new post?... Can't see the tumblr feed from here :(
  4. Xelous

    What should our next competition be?

    PMSL, he just necro'd my post from the 12th September... Bless him.
  5. Xelous

    GG on DE1076

    To whomever shot me, in cold blood, on DE 1076... GG, well done, enjoy the SVD camo I'd worked so hard for, enjoy all my gear and my quad bike... Enjoy all that stuff I'd gathered without harming the hair on anyone's head.... But, do tell me, how did you find me, in the middle of nowhere, in a bush, far from anyone else, on a server with only 5 people... I find it incredulous that on DE 1076, whenever I play there, I can be one of so few people and in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, yet someone shoots me... I think I know who did this vile act, and I think you also got kicked moments later for your battleye not responding... I will me keeping an eye on you... And phear me, for though you have my SVD... I now have the mighty Enfield... Feel my wrath.
  6. Xelous

    My wife's take on DayZ

    You see DevilDog... this is what happens when you play with the music turned way down low B)
  7. I've had a scooch around the server forums looking for somewhere to discuss the problem I have, and select an appropriate place to begin such a discussion, but can't really find anywhere... So "Server General" is where I'm going to post it. You may have seen my story (posted on DayZ Stories thread) thread as its evolved over time, so you can see how I've put quite a bit of time, and playing fair, into my character; and yes I appreciate "Its in alpha" and all that jazz... But... I'm not sure if what happened tonight is a bug in the hive, or just my getting exploited/scripted/abused on the specific server... Allow me to explain. My character had loads of gear, the basics for survival, food, water, ammo, guns... even a ghille suit... And played a valiant stroke to cure myself with Antibiotics - no mean feat - this was all done on the US1988 server and a German server - which is not involved past last night. I left the German server to use that US server because it was day light, and I found an old bike, so I was using that to get about... Last night (20/9/2012) at approx 9pm (GMT+1) I logged into that server... it took an absolute age to load, I'm talking like triple the normal time. And I had a shed load of those text notifications "Fall Back", "move to grid..." etc etc... I mean, a literal stream of them babbled past... When it finally said "Set up Complete..." and I opened my eyes... Nothing... No kit, no location - was stood on the Debug Planes, with no gear just my skin (literally)... I've heard this happening to others, but I have no idea how it happened?.... Surely the Hive took no instructions until I was in the game?... If the Hive did take database updates before I was in the game - is that a bug? - Is there anything I can do to help document it? (logs/retries/input?) if it was the server I was connecting to?... Was it a script kiddie having their wicked way with me?... Is it something I need to let the higher ups know (in the bug reporting forum) that I was NOT in the game when this happened to me... So to recap and confirm: Played Normally Had Gear Disconnected normally (with the disconnect buttons) the night before Reconnected (using SixLauncher) to the same server Lots of black & loading screens Babble of "move to", "Fall back" etc text scrolled past... whilst still waiting to load... Long Pause as "Setup Complete".... No gear - stood on Debug Planes.... What do you guys think?... Something I need to inform the server owner about?... Something for the Bug report forum?... Or should I just cry quietly into my mouse pad and move on?
  8. I'd not searched for the suits causing it... Thanks, I'll give those a search and have a read. *sob*... Cheers folks.
  9. Xelous


    There is a diesel loco on the water front in Cherno, but its just a prop... And I shudder to think how many jarry cans you'd have to carry to fill one... lol
  10. Xelous

    Laptop players? Your specs

    Pop here, http://www.arma2.com/free, get the game... try it... on many settings... Remembering in your mind that DayZ takes a little more umpf to run.... So, if you can run Arma2 free at High, expect DayZ normal... etc... down the scale... But, looking at your spec, it should run!
  11. Erm.... How you going to do this with just a torch, a bandage and some headex?
  12. Only person I've killed with a Makarov is myself... When its just taken so many shots to do any good my opponents (be they human, or dancer) have had time to do me over.
  13. Xelous

    DayZ Stories

    Lets call this one, the NHS Porter... *Cough* I think *cough* I got an infection *cough*, I really need *cough* to get to a *cough* Hospital.... This was how my evening began, we've settled down on a US server for the evening and actually found a bike and are merrily riding up and down the map... I could tell you tales of terror about how the bike handles, but instead I'll tell you about one particular scream of terror... I'm pounding the pedals along the road South-West of the two Sobar towns, with the plan to hit the military tents (I'm only looking for a bigger-back-pack) I bring the bike in from the south and take a spot in the tree's to get a view of the town... No Zombies... No players... Huzzah! I set off again into the town and I'm pounding along... Whhhaaaaa..... Hurrrrg..... Zuwaaaarrrr.... Scream the zombies from side to side of me... Raaaar.... Whaaaaaaaa Hurrrrrrghhhhhhhh... Sniff.... They carry on making noises.... There's a wrecked hummer a head, I'm doing 48 down this road... and this is the first time I decide to use the brakes... Sorry did I say brakes?... I meant to say... "This is the first time I decided to blow really hard between pursed lips in a really miss-timed effort to try and stop this speeding bike"... I mean really, who came up with the stats for the old bike?... It can accelerate from 0-40 in like 4 seconds but stops in a longer distance than an oil-tanker with a brick on the accelerator in a rip tide. So, I hurtle down this road, there's a whole pride parade of zombies following me... I feel like I'm in Thriller one second and then feel like I'm made of clay on a roller coaster the next... I am Michael Jackson... So, after actually managing to stop, instantly by touching a small piece of debris in the street... I'm breathing heavy, just as my fan club of zombies arrive... Whack, bleeding... whack coughing... Shit, pedal pedal pedal.... back pedal... shit shit shit move bike, jesus.... So I'm off again, the gaggle of funky fraggle prancing zombies are following, I'm bleeding, the sun is going down... Holy crapola, are we on a mission.... Get safe, get bandaged, get food... Get Antibiotics. Now, antibiotics... from what I can tell, less people have seen them than have found the holy grail... so after bandaging up in some tree's I'm doubtful of the chances of finding any... But, I harvest some goats, cook a meal, fill my water bottles and then far more cautiously take to the bike and head south to Cherno. I pull up and stash the bike in a bunch of tree's and head on a wonder, night is falling, there is no moon, I have no NVG... Flares FTL.... they're all I have... I chuck a few into the nothern suburbs, then make a dash from the tree line, picking up a bunch of Z's, and I pass through a red brick building, then around another low grey building, there are about 5 Z's on me.... The flares are way north of me, the shadows are big and consumption has me in its grip, as I run in circles around a broken down car and wall in an attempt to open the gate to the military tents and get into the medical tents... But will this door open.... *cough*... not it won't.... Around I go... 5 zombies, becomes 7.... I feel like snow-frikkin' white.... 7 becomes 9... 9 becomes... well you get the idea... Finally, the gate opens... Straight slap into my face, pushing me back into the road and into the loving arms of my wee horde of groupies. And I seriously don't enjoy the cuddles they give me... So I loose a whole mag of AKM rounds into them on full auto... I can hear Al Pacino screaming "Say hello to my little friend" in my minds eye... They're falling left, they're falling right, the flares fade away... i can only see them in the muzzle flashes... 20 rounds... 10 rounds.... 5 rounds..... click.... change mag... and listen... *PARP*... there's no-zombies close... But I can hear them scurrying over to the commotion... I don't wait long, I drop a new flare, duck around the gate into a building and out the back, then climb the ladder onto the low roof of the factory, over looking the medical tents... And I wait.... There's zombies all over... there's one flare burning... I'm in Cherno... And there are over 25 people on this server.. SOMEONE had to hear this cluster fuck. 5 minutes, 10 minutes.... the flare dies... Its just me, the night and my cough.... I eat food and drink, down to my penultimate pieces and water bottle... No-one is coming... I drop down the ladder, line up what I think is the medical tent against the sky-line and I duck inside... lighting my G17 and starting my search.... NO Anti-Biotics.... I fill up on bandages.... Check the second tent... Also nothing.... FU-*cough*-CK. I got to leave this area, there was too much commotion, I duck out north-east, cross the rail tracks and using flicks of the G17 make my way north and then west and then down to the hospital, mid-way across the football field there I hear the crack of an enfield a head... someone is in the apartment buildings, right on the roof of the middle one, loosing shots down.... at what? Me?... No.... Zombies?.... No.... This fool is trying to brake the glass on the hospital front with an enfield and thinks doing it from the apartment roof will stop the Z's... There's about 20 Z's milling about at the pavement level... and five are actually climbing the steps... This guy has chucked about 6 flares down around the buildings, its lit up like Blackpool. "Hey buddy" I call into my mic "stop shooting, friendly, friendly, I'll brake the glass"... "ver loren get hen Bastard" was the rough reply I think we got... and the only words I understood was "Bastard"... So, *coughing and spluttering* I stayed where I was in the shadows... night and foliage my only protection...I don't know how many rounds he has... Nor how many he's fired... but I start to count them... Bang... Bang.... bang.... three, he's moving.... Bang bang... He's on the lip now shooting straight down at Z's... Bang Bang.... Click... he's out... Reload?... No... Pistol.... Its a M1911... He's loosing off rounds like they're going out of fashion... three clips later however, I see in the eerie glow he's onto his hatchet... And coming down the steps... Piles of Z's lay in the street, the glass remains intact... He sprints out across the road hacks the glass down and ventures in, he's stirred up a shit storm though... at least 6 zombies are at the glass waiting for him, as he moves left and right they're drawn to him like flies to dog shit... I could hose the whole area with AKM fire, or just throw a couple of grenades into the building and be done with them all... But I'm not evil, I'm not going to murder him unless I absolutely have too... He's hacking them down now, the stragglers... And he's sprinting... sprinting.... into the middle of the street, where he starts to throw more flares... South, West.... North... Oh shit is that about to land next to me?... Yup, sure enough, this flare lands right in front of my face... and Helmut the Hospital Hoarder is now charging right at me axe at the ready... That's it....... and a single shot rings out from my AKM, he crumples, he dies... There are no Z's... I'm saddened. I move quickly, extinguishing the flare I check his body, carrying the weapons, no ammo left, he had a :beans: though... :| I shuffle across the road, hearing a new Z gurgling and I extinguish another of the flares and skip around the back of the hospital to check the medical supplies... No Antibiotics... I clamber onto the roof... Nothing... my blood has gone from vivid green down into musky red by now, and I need to eat also... I check the boxes in front of the hospital, nothing of use, and then retired to the apartments in turn, eating anything I can. Refreshed to the tune of two cans of beans, a pepsi and one can of pasta, with a can of my favourite frank and beans stashed in my bag, I need to formulate a plan.... I need Antibiotics... problem... None spawned..... Answer... encourage new things to spawn... Solution?... Put as much stuff from my inventory into my bag... Empty the hospital of stuff and wait for more! So there I am, its pitch black, I'm moving in and out of the hospital, collecting blood bags, epi-pens, morphine, bandages and bloodbags and dumping them out front, there must be well over 80 bloodbags out there alone... so you can imagine the site of shit strewn everywhere... Back and forth, back and forth, onto the roof... out the back... Tin cans, empty soda cans, medical supplies.... I'm shifting it all out time upon time upon time.... *cough* Not yet... Not yet *cough*. 9pm comes and goes... 10pm.... 11.... The wife goes to bed... 12midnight, the dog farts under the desk, I stay there breathing in that beefy aroma... I'm on a *cough* mission... 1am... I can't stay, I have work, I must go.... *cough*... 6000 blood, hours wasted... All these moments will be lost, like tears in the rain, time to die... *cough*.... That's it... I'm done, I can't go on, I've been up and down the front of this hospital longer than I care to mention, any-moment someone is going to chance upon me... I nip out the front, drop a flare myself and hop up the ladder onto the low roof, then up onto the main roof, down the back ladder and... There... In the Grass..... There is ......Could it be?.... No, it must be pain killers.... Yeah, Its just....Oh my god... its not pain killers.... IT IS ANTIBIOTICS!!!!! B) Update: Upon logging into a server US1988 (hosted Iron Raptor) last night at approx 9pm (GMT+1) our valiant survivor of the infection plague was stood on the debug planes, stripped of everything and starving... Thank you hack-tards, thank you so very much. >:(
  14. Xelous

    Who wants to set up the Chernarus Marathon?

    50 Old Bikes.... One Server.... Tour du Zombie....
  15. As a side note, you can turn one M1014 ammo into 8 lots of double barrel slugs, by right clicking on them... So you can save yourself the hassle of carrying lots of individual rounds by just carrying one M1014, taking one slot, and then right clicking when in need of more ammo...
  16. Xelous

    Laptop players? Your specs

    I'll chime in late to this one, as I've usually been playing on my main desktop PC, but we've had a new carpet put down and its out of action until I sort out my office... so we're on the laptop at the moment, and running in Very High settings... The machine is a custom built machine from "PCSpecialist"... Core i7-2670QM (8 cores @ 2.2ghz) 8GB DDR3 RAM nVidia 540GT Mobile 2GB DDR3
  17. Xelous

    Dog fights?

    I see your point, I see its a survival mod, but I doubt they (Bohemia) are allowed to depict something so illegal, so base, so in humane... Sorry.
  18. Xelous

    DayZ Stories

    I would love to know who the hacker I encountered last night was... I was holed up in a first floor room (for the Americans among us, that's the second storey) of a house when suddenly I hear Bob Marley.... "Don't worry".... "Everything's Gunna Be Okay".... The wife and I were like "What DAFAQ?!?!?!" So, I switch the AKM to Fully Automatic and reload to 30 rounds, and stack 4 more mags into my inventory from my bag, and wait... I'm cornered, there's some douché down there playing Marley... And, I'm sure he's coming this way... The server has that freaking peripheral vision blobs thing going on, and I see a blob real close which could only be moving inside the house, up the stairs in fact... But its silent... I'd not seen this from a hacker before... silent foot steps... Bob Marley is getting closer and closer... The wife is sat up on the bed craning right around to see what is going on by now... When Suddenly.... A rabbit runs into the room... And I freak out, I unload a whole AKM mag into this thing... And its just stood there... Playing Bob Marley... I stop firing, wipe the sweat from my brow, and disconnect, I'm not going to be playing as no hackers puppet on a string... But to whomever you are out there playing Marley... Weird Dude... Proper Weird...
  19. Xelous

    Hacker encounter

    I would love to know who the hacker I encountered last night was... I was holed up in a first floor room (for the Americans among us, that's the second storey) of a house when suddenly I hear Bob Marley.... "Don't worry".... "Everything's Gunna Be Okay".... The wife and I were like "What DAFAQ?!?!?!" So, I switch the AKM to Fully Automatic and reload to 30 rounds, and stack 4 more mags into my inventory from my bag, and wait... I'm cornered, there's some douché down there playing Marley... And, I'm sure he's coming this way... The server has that freakking peripheral vision blobs thing going on, and I see a blob real close which could only be moving inside the house, up the stairs in fact... But its silent... I'd not seen this from a hacker before... silent foot steps... Bob Marley is getting closer and closer... The wife is sat up on the bed craning right around to see what is going on by now... When Suddenly.... A rabbit runs into the room... And I freak out, I unload a whole AKM mag into this thing... And its just stood there... Playing Bob Marley... I stop firing, wipe the sweat from my brow, and disconnect, I'm not going to be playing as no hackers puppet on a string... But to whomever you are out there playing Marley... Weird Dude... Proper Weird...
  20. To get a Ghille suit quick-ish... Your best bet is to head to cherno - at night is best - go along the shore until you see the parked diesel loco, from there as you look into the city you have the church to the left, and open houses/corner houses all around the square... Learn the pattern of them, and make your way between each one. Don't worry about zombies, just be quick enough to out run them and not get cornered in a dead end room. But checking each and every room methodically, picking up empty cans and junk and dropping them outside you soon get loot re-spawning and you're likely in a shorter than average amount of time to find the suit. I do...
  21. Xelous

    Crossbow Bug Report

    v1.7.2.6 - Crossbow bolts into zombies from the shoulder or side become unrecoverable. v1.7.2.6 - Crossbow bolts can not be fired out of open glass door ways - e.g. Supermarket doors/International Hotel Doors, they become lodged in an invisible layer of door glass which causes all the other glass around to shatter and no kill is achieved on anything outside. With zombies one usually waits for them to enter the store, but this has happened whilst also loosing off a bolt towards a player outside the door way. System: Core i7, 8GB, Geforce 540GTX, Windoze Vista 64bit Ultimate All latest drivers and patches, was running the game in High detail settings - low shadow - 1280x800 res (as this is my laptop and I was trying to save some power) - all drivers up to date & all M$oft updates applied.
  22. Xelous

    I just met a hacker.

    No, this mod rocks, you just got to find the right server and frame of mind to never think the stuff you are carrying is yours... Think of it more like... You've temporarily borrowed stuff from the world, and one day the world will, harshly, take it back.
  23. Xelous

    I just met a hacker.

    Okay, okay... so... I know THE Gabe is worth like a billion bucks... If you were him... Would you choose to go buy a new neck?... He seems to have lost his somewhere.
  24. Very first game, I logged on... Ran over to a house (~15 seconds) leapt over the small picket fence (~25 seconds) and then saw a Huey zooming over head, which crashed onto me (~56 seconds)... Dead. And you know what... It was so frickin' cool.
  25. Xelous

    I just met a hacker.

    Wow are you THE Gabe?