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The Desert Fox (DayZ)

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About The Desert Fox (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    New player looking for a group

    http://www.thefirstcav.com/ How about an organized militarized group of almost 100 Survivors? Join CQF today!
  2. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    Massed cowardice - 4 Disconnectors (Pics Inside)

    Nub Servers with nub players thinking they boss. Lol. I tend to see that the large 'clans' operate on nub servers. CQF and now NwO Still better then you ytman :cool:
  3. I love you guys, its so nice to see people who can post about really shitty deaths and not end in "FUCK YOU FUCK ME UNINSTALL KTHANXBIA" On a related note my worst so far has been following some guy for a solid 2 hours a night looking for the airfield only for him to log off and me to die of thirst. I went through 2 cities and found nothing. I will never be without water again.
  4. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    aaaaaannndd this is how you Sonic :D
  5. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    We have a stupid amount of members :D
  6. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    Nifty Interactive Loot Map (posted on DayZ reddit)

    Best.Map.Ever. Thanks for posting in and 10x the thanks to whoever made it!
  7. The Desert Fox (DayZ)

    Day Z...WAS.....fun

    I have to disagree, while I admit more often then not I feel players shoot first and ask questions later, I think it adds a layer of depth that can't normally be achieved. when I hear shooting, 20 questions pass through my head about whoever it is. Now today was amazing, me and a buddy moved into electro, came across 3 plays spread out and we all grouped up. Next thing I know were helping survivors who were trapped on the outskirts of the city and we stocked up to move north together in a group of 6. Not a single negative comment in chat or an attempt to kill us even though it was a full server and we all spoke on global chat.
  8. The Desert Fox (DayZ)


    Hi guys! I am a new player who has been having a lot of issues getting this to work lol. I know there are tutorials but there's like 20 and each of them is different and 18 of them require the steam version, and I bought them both off amazon. I did it manually exactly as stated, got everything workin and when I try to join a game I get this. "You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.dayz.code" I am sure it's a simple fix so any help would be appreciated! Thanks! EDIT: Well now don't I feel stupid, I see there was an update today lol and I don't have that version, lets see if it helps!