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About GrynD

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    On the Coast
  1. So i was in elektro with a friend. as we raided the powerplant, i could see a survivor on top of the eastern firestation. while I was in the top part of the firestation. part of me was hungry for a kill, while the other part tried to push that hunger back. for about ten seconds i did nothing but asking my friend if i should take the shot or not. then i saw a second survivor on climbing on top. and the moment he got there, he was instantly gunned down by the other survivor. :o well that did it for me >:( , 5 shots later with my lee enfield, i had +1 bandit kills. so whoever reminds himself of being gunned down on top of the eastern firestation. know that you were avenged B)
  2. my frist bandit kill was in elektro, me and my friends had decoder to meet each there, when 1 of them gets shot, we try to find his body but we failed, about a minute later when we're in elektro eastern fire station(with the 3 of us) another 1of us dies when he was raiding the tower. Me and my other friend decided to go to a better position to take him out (because he had the highground) when we were at the office we couldn't see him anymore at the station, suddenly we heard shots coming from across the road. He had moved himself to the roof of the hospital, as we were on the seconde floor and couldnt go to top he had an advantage, for a moment notering happend cause we waited, who would show his head first. As he die it first we had a little firefight, but nothing Really happend, but unfortunatly THE zeds heard the shots too, so for a we were busy fighting them. After we settled with them we focussen our thoughts on THE bandit again, who was still on THE rooftop, after another little firefight, we saw that THE bandit left, only when we left elektro, I saw that I had +1 bandit killed. I still think i didn't do it properly (you might think that i would know if i had killed someone, but it didn't show at THE Bottom left in that server.) so wooslikz if u read this im not finished with you!
  3. GrynD


    I was waiting for some friends at the harbor in elektro, when i started thinking by my self,"if i go stand on top of that crane, if will be able to see the sooner", i started climbing and when i was on top, I looked around for a sec. "btw do u guys ever have that feeling when u stand on top of a tall building and you have the urge to jump?" well at least my character did, en he admitted to it. in slowmo I i see my guy jumping of the crane. guess u can figure what happend. luckily i spawned near elektro again and i was able to retrieve my gear