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Everything posted by blAke139

  1. blAke139

    DayZ Music Trilogy.

    Ha, just found this thread :D Wow, you summed that up pretty nicely, thanks for that, also, glad you liked it :) Don't forget to listen to my new story as well, you'll find everything on my channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/blAkeMusic4Life
  2. Hi everyone Some of you may still know me and may have already seen and listened to my first DayZ song (can be found here: ).Now, because of the really great feedback I got for this song and because it was really fun doing it, I decided I am gonna make a trilogy. Now, this developed to be a big project so it took me some time to finish (doing the beat together with my brother while also working out Cubase, which we never used before and learning ARMA 2 Editor for the music video etc.). But it's finally done. If you haven't seen the first part, go watch it first, because the focus of those songs really lies on the story and you wouldn't watch episode 2 of the walking dead before you've seen the first one would you. So here ya go! I hope you enjoy it! It was hard work but I am so grateful for all the support I get from you guys! Cheers blAke
  3. Hi everyone! I'm a pretty addicted DayZler and fortunately I am also a rapper. Or kind of :-P Because I really like storydriven rapsongs and DayZ, I figured why not do both? So here it is, my first DayZ song: Tell me what you think! And if you like it and subscribe, you can imagine me sitting here in my room in Switzerland screaming of joy like a little girl! Cheers
  4. blAke139

    Hi, I am blAke and this is my DayZ song!

    heyho :) Where did you send me a message? Don't think I got it :/ @all Thank you for all your kind words, I'm happy if you like it :)
  5. blAke139

    Hi, I am blAke and this is my DayZ song!

    I always like it when people say that. It's pretty much a dream of me to show people the good side of rap :)
  6. blAke139


    Hey hey :) Here is the newest version I just finished. I took all the feedback from reddit, filtered it and the most important feedback got into the concept! http://imgur.com/a/RMaRA Here is the reddit thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/yragm/i_took_your_feedback_and_slipped_it_into_my/ You can leave feedback here or in the reddit thread, I read both!
  7. blAke139


    Thanks for posting it here :) Glad that so many people liked it. Didn't expect that kind of response though :lol: