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Jett (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Jett (DayZ)

  1. I'm curios as to which servers have helicopters enabled (I'm aware it's very, very few of them) could someone tell me some servers they know still contain helicopters?
  2. Jett (DayZ)

    Increase tent spawn rate

    I've never, ever in all my time of looting come across a tent that was spawned normally from loot, I've always found tents filled with something like 28 duped tents. Tents are needed for creating large camps for groups like the one I'm in, and now that in the only way to acquire a tent is through natural spawn, it would be nice if the spawn rate of tents was increased to accommodate for this and encourage the creation of camps.
  3. Jett (DayZ)

    Paranoia after murders?

    Nice idea, I want this.
  4. Player ID: 12232518 Had a DMR and 1911, I don't care about anything except the DMR, I don't even need ammo for it. [attachment=624]
  5. My character's still stuck in the ocean 5000m off shore, starving, and now that thread is deleted.
  6. Title. A slow regeneration of blood when you're logged out while fully fed. It would take about a day (24 hours) to go from near zero to full blood while logged out.
  7. Jett (DayZ)

    Blood Regeneration While Logged Out

    Bump. Want more input on this idea.