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Everything posted by wgaf

  1. A lot of the diabolical stuff will hinge on whether you can obtain meat from players without killing them. If it was up to me, there would be a disfigurement/amputation system.
  2. This thread is about friendliness in the game. He shared his experience and I just want to share mine. He's asking if it's a sucker's bet to be friendly, and in my opinion it is. It isn't stupid to kill people when you can. Every person you kill near Balota or another source of weapons is someone that won't be an armed danger to you. You can't know peoples intentions, so you can only judge them based on their capabilities. We don't have a "kill on sight clan." We don't kill on sight, we do a series of activities with people before we kill them. We do some serious role playing and provide compelling and original game content to the people we meet. We don't seek conflict with other armed groups or clans. We have a job to do, a mission to depopulate the coast, and we try not to get sidetracked. We don't try to kill or harass other armed groups, we prefer to remain concealed and live to fight- and more importantly to do our work - another day. We plan to be at the forefront of experimenting with new content in the game, especially when crafting and cooking come out. The game doesn't have much documentation right now, and we aim to document the effects of all sorts of things on players.
  3. These are not troll comments, these are true accounts of actual events. The only thing we do on the SA is get geared up and then pick a town to camp for fresh spawns. We always pick somewhere near a well, because its the perfect place to lead people back to. We call it an "altar of hell" and it's where we make our sacrifices. It's very easy to convince people to drink alcohol or windex when they are drinking from the well, and they are usually too preoccupied with drinking to notice that they're being given stuff. I ask people if they have taken antibiotics since they've spawned, and then when they say no, I tell them you can get an infection from the well water unless you are disinfected... Once they have drunk the windex or alcohol or eaten rotten fruit, it's the ballgame. Even if they figure out what's going on and change servers, they'll still succumb to it. We finally had someone refuse the disinfectant today, he said "HEY WAIT< YOU"RE TRYING TO FEED ME SPRAY!" so we shot him right then and there. --- We keep them around by telling them another guy with gear for them is "coming down from the mountain." Once they start getting sick we sometimes say we need to clean their blood to heal them, so one of us takes a blood bag from them and another one administers another random bag, to see what happens. Sometimes we just all blood bag them at once so they go unconscious from blood loss, and sometimes we just axe or shoot them while chanting "we sacrifice you to the god of death, burn in hell, burn in hell." Very stoked about the revolvers coming, we plan to use those exclusively to shoot the sacrificial offerings once they are included. I checked the talley and we're up to 105 kills since we started playing. At least half of those have been at the altar of hell.
  4. We tell people that we are friendly and have food/water/gear if they want it, then we poison them or lethal inject them with blood or axe them when they bend over or just shoot them. We are required to make sacrifices to the death god.
  5. The ability to poison food, drink, and wells. Injectable poisons. More force feedable stuff. ETA: Cannibalism
  6. wgaf

    Alcohol tincture

    We routinely feed either that or disinfectant or rotten fruit to every fresh spawn we find.
  7. wgaf

    Ideas for dayz: SAFE ZONES and ROAMING HORDES

    Until God comes down and creates "safe zones" in the real world, it wouldn't be very realistic to add them to a simulator would it?
  8. wgaf

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    It would be cool if they added different qualities of ammunition. Match-grade, handloaded, or other premium ammo being required to get good accuracy out of weapons at long range.
  9. wgaf

    SKS A mix of DMR and M14 ?

    SKS is a cheap and lousy rifle that is chambered in the same cartridge as the ak-47. It is not a 'marksman's rifle.' And a "DMR" in Arma2 *is* an m14.
  10. Night vision, especially 3rd gen night vision, is expensive and export-controlled. It's probably orders of magnitude less common than small arms. If it was added to the game, it should be the rarest item in the game. It could be argued though that since ACOG sights are also expensive (though not nearly as expensive as NV) and export controlled, that the m4s and their accessories found in the game might indicate US military presence, and the US military does employ a lot of night vision. NV is one of the biggest force-multipliers in the world, and just as in real life, NV equipped soldiers could successfully engage better armed and more numerous opponents who didn't have night vision. Whether this matters hinges on a different problem though - how to get people to play on dark servers.
  11. wgaf

    Mosin vs. M4A1 - THE DEBATE

    Almost every time I've shot a gun it has been to kill a zombie or execute a player. I tried a mosin, but the ammo/reloading stuff was just too much. I mainly use my m4 to shoot zombies, and it is really really good for it. 60rnd magazines, one hits on the zombies, fast reloading, rapid fire. A mosin is nice i guess if you also lug around a pistol with mags and ammo to deal with the zombies.
  12. I don't even think the sound effect changes when you have a can on your rifle currently.
  13. A lot of people on here are Americans, and in the US there is an enormous number of civilian weapons everywhere.
  14. wgaf

    Scumbag or dumb ?

    We actively search out fresh spawns in the areas we occupy. We tell them we are friendly and that we have food and water for them, and why wouldn't they believe us? If 4-5 armed guys in camo wanted to KOS them, they'd already be dead. We take them back to our water well and tell them how to drink, and that sometimes the water has an infection so we need to give them some disinfectant. Sometimes we just axe them to death when they bend down to drink. If we don't axe them, we try to keep them around by telling them stories, and about how the medicine should be working now. When they start vomiting we axe them or shoot them. We got 26 people today. If anyone doesn't come along, they get shot right away.
  15. wgaf

    safe zone

    If you want a safe zone, get a bunch of people together and enforce one. If you can't, then tough. This is meant to be a simulation. Until God comes down to Earth and declares "safe zones" where people don't die or get diseases, it wouldn't be very realistic to put one in a simulation would it?
  16. wgaf

    Important! Is it to be? Or not to be?

    Porting Arma2 to ps4. LOLOL
  17. Is that realistic? Does everyone who kills people to survive have those symptoms? When you kill people in dayz, you're really hurting real people, you're taking away what they worked for and interrupting their game, ruining their fun. You're supposed to "role play" yourself in dayz and behave like a real person. If you lose sleep or have anxiety attacks because of your grief over hurting people in dayz, then that's one thing. Forcing people who don't to watch dumb animations is another thing entirely.
  18. DayZ is so special because it is Human Nature Simulator. It simulates a state of nature, an anarchy, where people can do whatever they want. It simulates stakes, you can gain or lose a lot of time and effort. Anything that makes DayZ a better and more realistic simulator DayZ a better game. Anything that makes it less realistic makes it a worse game. Raising the stakes on dying makes it more realistic. But dying is dying, it doesn't matter how or why you die, you're still dead.
  19. wgaf


    After the abomination "arma3" they probably need the money pretty badly. I just hope they've fired all the people they should have over Arma3, or all the money in the world won't help.
  20. One of the reasons we pick approaches to Balota to shoot people is that people consider the spawns near balota to be best, since they need to go to belota to get guns. Shooting recent spawns and ungeared people on the Balota approaches does the most harm, since it makes them respawn, and the danger is they'll spawn far away. I like any idea that makes people value their lives. It gives them more to lose when we kill them. The thing that makes dayz so special is that its high stakes. Hours of effort can be wasted when you're killed, which makes the whole dynamic of trust in the game that much more realistic and appealing. I strongly support anything that makes death more high stakes. Dayz is Human Nature Simulator. Anything to make the risks and rewards more like the ones people would face in real life makes the game better, and more special.
  21. Necessity to defecate and urinate, edible and force-feedable.
  22. I've been playing for about a week, spent a few days exploring, got the hang of things, and have been mostly shooting it out in Cherno/Elektro and camping in Pubs. Found a Ghille suit in a pub, decided to go back out into nature, ended up camping the Balota airfield with my AK. Spotted a dude with a hatchet go into the control tower, figured f- it, war is hell, he's got to go. When he was exiting the control tower I got him with one shot to the head. Thrilling! He had a STANAG mag and a hand grenade on him.
  23. I've been steady camping the control tower, upgraded to an AK Kobra, and just used it to head shot a guy named Vermin Grime or something like that who was up in the glass enclosure. He had a CZ550 and an MP5SD as well as another grenade. Now I'm a real sniper :D
  24. wgaf

    Day Z Urban Legends

    On the next update you will have to spawn as a dog and eat a person before you can be human again.