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Everything posted by johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

  1. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    3 Players looking for a private hive.

    US 6277 We have active admins. We have 65 vehicles, not all on the coast, if you want one you gotta work for it. It's Eastern Standard Time. Regular difficulty. Side chat. Would love if you all decide to join.
  2. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    So everyone is just shoot in sight now?

    i ran into four guys last night and we've been getting along just fun, you gotta be careful and give it some time. Not everyone in this game is a psychopathic murderer with no regards for human life.
  3. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    Average Age of a Survivor (that includes heros)

    I swear if the majority of individuals that play this game are a group of 12 to 14 year old Call of Duty fan-boys I will cry.
  4. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    Bandits....Ducking Bandits.

    I know the feeling. Minding my own business in Electro and some asshole on the hill takes me out. Why? Because he felt like it and is bored with his life, maybe his mommy and daddy beat him, but he shouldn't ruin the game because he's a twisted little fuck.
  5. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    Battleye client not responding

    BattleEye is garbage. Words can't describe how much I hate it. Either it fails to update, fails to connect or kicks you because it's not responding. They better come up with something better or it's just gonna be the hackers and a whole lot of empty servers.
  6. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    Hero skins.. Bandit skins..

    Love the hero skin. Actually requires skill to achieve. Still think they should bring back the original bandit skin. Kinda silly, they look like terrorists.
  7. johnmarshalblock@hotmail.com

    What is the point in DayZ?

    What's the point in DayZ? Better yet, what point do you see in DayZ? Do you wish to see humanity redeemed with all the selfless acts performed to further survival? Or do you wish to take the simpler more narrow minded approach and watch the world burn around you? It may be a game but your actions reflect how human you are or whether you belong with the beasts. Give someone a reason to survive and give the bandits a reason to take you seriously.