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About Nemesis6139

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Nemesis6139

    Bottled Water?

    <_< So, I'm guessing to keep the ultra-realism up, you have never refilled a canteen at a pond, in-game? Wells only? BTW, I have lived on Mt. Dew for 20+ years, and doing just fine thanks. ;)
  2. I logged on today and ALL of my stuff was gone, EVERYTHING. I did not have a single item in my inventory, not even starting gear. I know this is alpha, but THIS is something that should not happen EVEN in alpha. So I just let a Z kill me and I'm back to square one again. Oh well.
  3. Nemesis6139

    Zombies should be removed from DayZ

    It should be advertised as a PVP survival game with zombies anyways. LOL