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About IceFuze

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Alright I'll add all of you guys. That'll be nice amount of people to play with every day! You can still "apply" if you so wish! I may just need to turn this into some sort of clan eventually. Anyways, adding all of ya'll.
  2. Added hugsley on Skype. Samirocks24, are you from Omaha or somewhere else? EDIT: Also added triggercrazyxx on Skype.
  3. I don't like being this noob who bumps their not even two hour old thread, BUT, I guess I'll be that guy one time. I'd really like it if at least one person were to post in here. :)
  4. So I have been playing DayZ for almost a week and already am getting bored. Why? I have nobody to play with. So what I would like to do is round up around 3-6 people to get in a Skype call at one time, hang out, have fun, and ultimately make friends and expand to different games. Be aware that I have been playing Dayz for only around a week so I don't know any advanced techniques or good loot routes, etc. So it would be awesome to get some tips and stuff from everyone I play with. So, yeah! BIG THING! Please be somewhat experienced and know how to navigate Chernarus. It's annoying when you need to explain how to get somewhere every two minutes. Navigating to and from places is one of the better things I can do in this game so far. Application thingymabob. Age: IGN (In Game Name): Skype Username (Not Real Name, UN): DayZ Experience: "Preferred Role" (Sniper, Scout, etc.): Time Zone: Times You'll Be On (GMT-/+): That's it! Let's get playing! (My Skype is creator774 but please do not add me unless I say you may add me on this thread.)