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  1. I made a post to try and understand why my friend was banned. Went through every detail. I didn't expect you guys to get butthurt and come in here and start a huge flame war. You say I'm immature and the very next sentence "u mad bro". You say I'm cursing and you cursed first. You say I'm raging and you guys raged first. You said my friend was a hacker and yet he wasn't. So please, keep telling me that I'm the immature one here, I've only been reasonable. How dare someone get wrongfully banned on your server right? Re-read my first post and then re-read yours. Grow the fuck up and stop acting like we stole all your candy and called you bad names. You guys are so fucking ignorant it's borderline insane. We had every right to make a ban appeal, YOU people started the offensive. I can't wait to see what you come up with next. It's like reading 4chan except you guys aren't trolling.
  2. YOU FINDIT RUDE? LOL. What about our friend getting banned and then you guys assaulting us for being hackers without even considering the fact it was a mistake? You guys are unbelievable. You fucking say something then three posts later you go back on what you said and do a complete 180 forgetting you even said it! Yes I've heard of going back to tents. Like I said it must be super easy for you guys to go back to them and resupply sense they always seem to not be stocked exactly as they were the day before. I know you're not hacking but you do take full advantage of your bugged tents. We have to scavenge for hours to find gear to come to Elektro and kill bandits. Getting off the beach is half the battle when [DG] kills every freshly spawned player they see. Who ever said we lost? You know what, I've only got a week left before I leave and it would be a shame to leave a server behind with this much drama. You know our names now so hopefully there won't be anymore confusion. Seeing as we can't settle this on the forums (like there's anything to be settled anyways, for either of us)...... edit: My buddy who was yelling at timedeath for being a hacker. I don't think he realized that he was shooting the L895 with SD ammo and afaik shoots inaccurately. We had literally just dealt with 2 guys who were using the invulnerable hack that i mentioned earlier so it was still fresh in our minds. Not saying you guys don't have members that 'abort' but we know you guys don't hack.
  3. You guys started the smack talking. He was not on top the entire time because we did scout the area and no one was up there. It's great how you call us kiddish when in your video you guys are acting like a bunch of 12 yr olds. I didn't remove anything from my post. This thread wasn't to gloat it was to get my friend unbanned. I don't know what I expected from you guys considering the way you act in game. Keep pretending that your clan members don't combat log or ghost, we've watched you do it. Everything you guys have posted in this thread has been a bit off. Keep up the bullshit guys, it's super duper amusing. My friend is un-banned but we'll probably just find a different server anyways. It's fun fighting you guys 4v10 or however the fuck many people you decide to bring but the bullshit has reached a maximum. Have fun with your unlimited AS50 TWS / L895s / Mk48s and Helis. Quite a server you've got there.
  4. I think you guys are confusing us with some other people. We also were ghosted and killed right before our Heli crashed. Except the player was Adde. Although we've never said we were going to "Drive you off the server".. lol, we definitely have had the pleasure of listening to you guys shit talk us and talk about how "you own the server" etc. Your sportsmanship is shown in the video you posted earlier. Calling us "cocky" is fuuucking hilarious. edit: this is gaaay arguing let's just get back to killing each other. Willbert CBM CodyCollins SuperDave thanks for the ban and unban
  5. Now if you guys could stop combat logging we might actually have a chance ;]
  6. spawn BIS_EFFECTS_AIRDESTRUCTION ? What is this? This seems really fucking fishy to me. From a 30second google search about AIRDESTRUCTION i found this :"Legit, explosion from heli crash. He's crashed into something then its exploded when hitting the ground in a secondary explosion." Which makes sense because he was banned a couple seconds after he crashed our heli taken from this thread :http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/79787-im-not-too-sure-if-he-was-hacking/ Also, we've ran into two different players on your server, maybe three, who have been using some type of invulnerable hack, and I watched a guy spawn a crate infront of Skalisty island with every item in the game x 100. So it doesn't seem like your "advanced antihax software" is working too well.
  7. I don't have teamspeak, never used it. We use skype. I don't understand what you mean when you say he ran a script. You're making it sound very serious and if it is why didn't he get a Global Ban like i see everyone else get? Can you not show the log here? His activity for the day was logging in and piloting our heli, then helping fuel it with jerry cans before he was banned and dropped in the ocean. I'm not even sure he left the pilot seat for anything else.
  8. No he wasn't. No one on your server needs to hack because of the camps that are setup. You can run get a damn AS50 Thermal if you want one. The Heli respawns every time you guys restart. What is a remote execute script? This is a guy who I had to drive to his house and install DayZ. We fixed the heli flew it around a little, had some fights, filled it up, duped some Jerry Cans on accident, somehow, then our pilot was banned and heli crashed. I'm almost 99% sure he was banned because of the Jerry Cans.
  9. We're all RL friends so I don't see what's wrong with me posting about it? I was with him the entire ordeal. If they aren't your tents you're definitely around them all the time, but that's beside the point. Point being he doesn't hack and was banned from your server, we're just trying to figure out why. We'd like to keep facing off against you guys. It just struck us odd that he was banned after all this went down. If you guys didn't hand out the ban why wasn't it Global? And if it wasn't you what can we do to fix this. He wasn't even meaning to abuse the bug, it seemed the heli just duped every Jerry Can we tried to put in when it was near max load.
  10. We've been fixing up the heli on Skalisty Island the past couple days and this morning we were ready to get it rolling as SOON as the server reset so we'd get the most use out of it. Flew it around a bit and finally got shot down by the [DG] clan who own the server. They sniped our pilot. Couple hours later same thing. We had all the supplies ready and 5 jerry cans(best i can remember). We knew where two large camps that the best we could tell were [DG] Clan Members surrounding Elektro, where they like to camp. We flew in killed a couple of them and blew up their camps on foot with their satchel charges. Now here comes the fishy part. We parked the heli somewhere south of Zelenogorsk to fill up before flying back to grab my brother. My RL Friend is having trouble with his jerry cans and tries putting them into the gear box of the heli. Best he could tell they started multiplying and we ended up with around 11 jerry cans. We thought it was awesome and flew back to Elektro. Couple minutes later my buddy gets a ban, can't remember the ban name but we're almost positive it's because of the jerry cans. Not sure if they just "decided" we were hacking because we blew up their camps, had the heli, and killed a couple of their members but after all this my friend gets a ban. tl;dr friend got banned because our heli decided to dupe jerry cans We'd prefer not to have to find a new server because we like fighting against [DG] and they're always near Elektro. Friends name: CodyCollins