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Everything posted by Mitchel1112

  1. Hey all, I just bought a server from 'GTXgaming' but unfortunately their control panel, etc is new to me and I don't really know how to work any of it, I'm unsure on how to even change the loadout of players for when they spawn. I am hoping that for those who read this post, would be interested in basically maintaining the server, making sure certain scripts work like 'AI patrols' and things like that and can help to advertise the server, etc. If you're interested please leave a comment below, information like, age, any previous servers you've worked on, etc. Thank you.
  2. Hey guys, DBM so far hosts 3 servers, a Minecraft Factions server, a Feed The Beast server and MOST importantly a NEW DayZ Server! We have just started on the land of chernarus and hopefully if we build up an audience of players we will start rotating through maps, at a fair pace! The vehical limit is 77, possible increase with an increase of players! It is in GMT time and is at the most updated version! Our IP is We hope to start up a small Youtube channel for our prospective of DayZ to see what we can see and of course we'd love some pvp in it so the more players/groups the better! If you want the Minecraft or Feed the Beats Ip just say so in the comments below but we would like to see the main majority on the DayZ server quite a bit! Any questions, do post them below! SEE YOU SOON! :D
  3. So, joining problems appear to be fixed, still on lingor, nothing much has been touch as due to like of players, but I started out today, loot it good, just found a helicopter and there are players growing xD So keep them coming, we could make a successful server still! xD It will stay as lingor for quite a while btw!
  4. Mitchel1112

    Any noob friendly UK based servers? New server, staff have no access to map/spawning so no cheating, map has only been changed yesturday, try it out please! xD Pass it on if you like it!
  5. Yeah, people have had problems joining the server, it should be fine now, it's slowly increasing in members, but doesn't have a long peak time yet :( Still hoping though!
  6. for now, but we'll maybe change it sometime if we get a bigger player database
  7. Server will be private, Taviana, no tampering with map, tottally legit, etc. Should be ready in the next 30mins
  8. We may move to lingor/panthera/tavianna/celle as these maps are a bit more new and interesting, we're not sure on the vehicle spawn limit though, suggestions would be helpful (we're changing because on chernarus we were messing about getting used to the console/spawning just to see what's new but we couldn't reset it without a map change so, it was a nice time for a fresh and proper start!
  9. Well we aim to please as we do on our out FTB and MC servers. So if you do and you find/see any problems or have complaints let me know and I'll soon try and fix it. We'll most likely put our DBMservers email address in the welcome message to keep all of our server info together! Do pass us on if you enjoy the server!
  10. We may change at some point if the general public wish us to since it doesn't cost anything
  11. We are indeed, you spawn with a packet of flares, 1 can of food, 1 drink, and vestpack, 2 bandages, 1 pack of painkillers a map and a torch.
  12. Hey, me and my friend joined this server to find two guys ( [HML]corni172 and [HML]NoName ) driving around in a Ural, I managed to find 1 of them (very luckily) at the coast with the Ural, shot the guy in the head and he dropped. His body then disappeared into the ground but I saw he was wearing ''Military Camo'' or something, not a camo clothing or Ghillie, but army gear, then I took off in the Ural. I stopped a few minutes later and, looked in the gear to find 2 camo clothing, ghillie clothing and the army clothing thing, can't remember the exact name, I don't think they are hacking with godmode or anything, but they are hacking in clothing, possibly weapons and might have trackers, teleport or something along those lines, but if you could check into it, it would be much appreciated. The server is: GB #500 (into the ingame filter) then look for one with Vehicle Spawn 100% [Latest Beta] It is hosted by Multiplay
  13. Same server, was out in the middle of nowhere, just spawned in (at night), there was me and another guy on, the some guy joins, never seen him on before and within say 5 seconds, I hear a whistle (bullet) and I drop dead. His name began with K, I'm sure it's in the server logs.
  14. Mitchel1112

    Maps (DayZ Standalone)

    For the DayZ mod on Arma II itself, if you want to play another map other than Chernarous you need to install it. I had an idea that to take away the hassle for all players, just adding the 4 maps on the DayZ Standalone (or more if any) as a choice, you click which map you wish to play and servers pop up only for that map. Anyone else think that's an idea?! (It may not make sense, so do say and I'll try and re-explain it! :D )
  15. Mitchel1112

    Maps (DayZ Standalone)

    Well, if Rocket did a Poll on weather to add the ''Unoffical'' maps I think they'd be best too. I wouldn't think it would be two hard to have chernarous, lingor, utes and takistan all ready in the dayz standalone. When the standalone comes around I don't want to go straight back to chernarous, I want takistan, for the reason of i have yet to play it and i want to keep playing lingor until the standalone. I think rocket should at least consider the other maps. The only problem with multiple maps is separating the servers so you don't log out from lingor with a ghillie and sniper and join utes at the coast with a ghillie and sniper, but im sure it's very possible before the standalone does come out. Isn't it at the end of this month it comes out?
  16. Mitchel1112

    DayZ Standalone

    With the normal DayZ Mod, to play another map like Lingor, or other, you need to do more installing, for some people like myself this is a massive hassle, I'v had to resolve to DayZ Commander, so I was wondering if anyone knew that on the DayZ Standalone, will they include all 4 maps so that you just choose what map you want and servers pop up for the map, cancelling out the hassle for those of us who hate installing things or who can't. If anyone has any information on this, it'd be much appreicated.
  17. Mitchel1112

    DayZ Standalone

    Yeah, I can't wait, isn't it supposed to be released at the end of this month? Yeah I just started on Lingor, love it really, doing well too. But yeah including all maps (chernarous, lingor, utes and takistan + whatever else) would be awesome, less installing to do and more playing :D
  18. Mitchel1112

    Server Restarts!

    Is anyone else having problems with stupid server restarts that respawn your vehicles somewhere else and remove all items from your tents even after you've save them, wouldn't mind if rocket did something about that!
  19. Mitchel1112

    Server Restarts!

    I have....
  20. I used to play DayZ on my laptop up until Saturday, when it unfortunately broke, luckily my new P.C was on it's way and has finally arrived, I went to install DayZ (Into Arma II steam version) today and did everything the exact same (to my knowledge) and recapped on the video I used. When I loaded up the game, it didn't start up with the usual DayZ screen so I knew the mod wasn't installed, I tried to join a game anyway, it says I'm missing 3 files that were extracted from the winrar all together, when I look it the file, they're sitting there, does anyone know how to fix this weird problem?!
  21. Mitchel1112

    Installation Problems! [HELP PLEASE!]

    Ok, made some progress there guys thanks a bunch, really appreciated, hope Im never forced to kill one of you! :P (Im not a bandit, just cautious haha)