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1 Neutral

1 Follower

About Talonek

  • Rank
    On the Coast

Contact Methods

  • Skype

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    Not Telling
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  • Bio
    I love DayZ. I recently finished my so called "spiritual journey" through DayZ, and have accumulated a lot of experience and equipment. Now I wanna play with people.
  1. I'm looking to play with people and explore the land of Chernarus. I do not want to join any groups with huge requirements or pseudo-military operations. I just want to play with people who aren't sadistic murderers, or complete noobs. If your interested, I play generally between 5 to 12pm central time (not all that time, just anytime anyone wanted to hang) Voice chat is a must (skype, steam, whatever) I've played since August. I'm 17. I live in the Midwest. Currently rolling around Green Mountain with a DMR, 2 tents, some food and canteens, and way too many auto parts. No murdering random non-bandit persons. A love for exploration. Seriously, message me anytime, like right now. I'm tired of soloing this.
  2. Talonek

    I want friends...

    You wanna play now?
  3. Are you sure your not farming?
  4. Talonek

    Looking for small group

    Add Me, Steam: Talonek
  5. Talonek

    I want friends...

    Sent you a request on steam