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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Im looking for a nice place to kill zombies without possibly drawing attention to myself from bandits. any suggestions
  2. ive had the silenced mp5 twice before the iron sights just throw me off have trouble acquiring headshots
  3. shut it i wish more people actually tried to rob people instead of just shooting on sight
  4. i actually found some barns in Kabanino and ran between them with my akm shooting zombies i killed like 112 zombies before i started running low on ammo and decided to book it new problem i noticed im not very good with the Mp5 lol
  5. lol void_false ive tried that with an AK74 kobra server hopper got me with a remington or maybe he was a ghoster idk he just popped up behind me boom
  6. i got my hands on a mp5 and akm with lots of ammo want to get some target practice in using zombies
  7. lol was gonna say hope its high perch zombies cant climb up haha in the zombie apocalypse imm climbing tall building and shooting zeds I get to be the clock tower killer without repurcussions like death or jail haha
  8. " His shot fired, and I fell down under it, landing in the water, where I bandaged myself from the fall damage, hid in the plants, and disconnected." so your saying you combat logged just based on you think someone was teleporting around with an as50 lol
  9. krisnewland@hotmail.com

    Graphical Issues

    its the static bodies causing the graphics triangles of doom lol was freaking out trying to loot starry sobor couldnt see a thing
  10. DayZ Name : Fallens777 How long have you played DayZ : around 3 months now Time Zone: United states CMT Will you stay loyal to our group?: yes i dont like playing solo anymore get alittle paranoid walking around coroners lol What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) I can fill raid and or support roles till i find another sniper rifle but im pretty flexible. I also like the close in work with shotguns :P
  11. former bandit bored of raiding would like to find other play styles for the game kinda curious as to if its possible to kill all the zombies on a server before they respawn..? anyone know if this is possible i want to get a group together to try that haha someones gonna have to record for sure
  12. i find it amusing this guy killed enough zombies to leave a trail for the bandits to follow which would make him a good enough player having killed all those zombies so why was he crawling at an airfield especially when he made noise involving so many zombies... run you moron dont crawl jeez bad time to start trying to sneak....!!!!
  13. bump +1 several of these sound like good ideas especially the bear bag..
  14. must of been a similar picture lol still say its a trap haha
  15. umm hate to burst your bubble but i think this is an older picture and hes setting you guys up to get sniped lol
  16. howdy im a bandit looking to join and report your troop movements in the bandit campfire i usually play a support role whether its scout, medic, overwatch, or just rescue operations for my group members
  17. nice lol usually i hear stories of people blowing themselves up with frags :) i need to find a target for my 3 frag grenades i picked up
  18. hmm ive got a cz550 willing to trade with 5 reloads but this deal sounds fishy.. Mk 48 mod 0 is a pretty sweet gun to just give away for wimpy cz550..
  19. morons.... the guy had 3 mags for that ak74 you stupidly picked up Akm is much better still zeroing and more damage
  20. krisnewland@hotmail.com


    i was staring at it trying to figure out why the deerstand looked weird then i saw the comments below and went back :( nice trick lol