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Everything posted by Later36s

  1. Later36s

    GMA Looking for Member

    DR. please apply by clicking "HERE"
  2. Later36s

    GMA Looking for Member

    Little tune about BlackWater. crazy that its the same group that does the GMA song.
  3. Later36s

    Free Helicopter

    i have a group of five, but are working on bulking up a little to about 10 people in near future. if you still have room let me know. i tried to pm you but think your box is full.
  4. Later36s

    GMA Looking for Member

    http://youtu.be/j68ToR93kH8 Clutch - Guild of Mute Assassins
  5. hell yeah!!! im in like sin!! edit: if you send a message that you would like to join us, please reply to our reply to you. you will not be able to magically find us by you just saying "sure i will join"
  6. Later36s

    2 man team looking for a new home.

    {GMA} is looking for people.... Click HERE
  7. We are too, click here.
  8. Later36s

    GMA Looking for Member

    -=GMA=- is a US based Guild. We also have full time jobs so we mostly get on after work, 6 to11 cst during week days and different times for the weekend. We are always changing our missions day to day. some days we just loot and other we look for a battle. just depands on how you feel that day. send bigsbee or myself a message and join some new friends in the world of DayZ. EDIT!! NEW WEBSITE!!! CLICK "HERE" TO APPLY!!!
  9. im looking for a couple people to join our, already group of three. night and weekends are the only time we are on. my steam is Later36s i will send a message, if you havent already found a group. we are not a clan or anything large just 3 guys trying to survive and explore the world of dayZ
  10. Later36s

    Anyone wanna play together?

    i have a small group of three people that want to find a couple more people to help out with our plans. what time zones are you in? just to make sure we play at the same time.