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Everything posted by anthall

  1. anthall

    DayZ Stories

    20.4.2012 EU13 The Day of Cars I found myself at the coast. Again. Not by dying, but by some kind of a server restart. Seems like I have walked the distance inland twice as many times as I have died. Navigating the land with full survival gear comes like a second nature, but I was somewhat wary of other players, being closer to the coast than I liked. Being in a state of heightened alertness I meticulously scanned the horizon with my binoculars every hundred meters. Close to Staroye I spotted something I haven't seen before. A car. A red car. Nothing fancy, but neither one of the rusting hulks that now litter the streets. The car was a considerable distance away from me and I couldn't spot the driver with my binoculars. I started to approach the vehicle via nearby woods, hoping that my presence would go unnoticed. I suppose I did get a bit too excited and got to the car in a manner not quite fitting an alive survivor. Neither had I really planned what to do with the car if I would reach it unopposed. So there I were, pondering my next move when I hear a step behind me. I duck under the closest tree, but it was way too late to fight back. I got put down without ever having seen the owner of the car. Bitterly recovering from my third death (first one caused by a player) I headed to familiar ground to gather essential gear. While travelling I run through the previous encounter and cuss myself for being so careless. It is getting dark, but I am almost at my tent and ready to begin a new. Having only ever seen one car, and only couple hours before at that, you can guess my surprise when, in the middle of pitch black woods, I run into a pickup truck. It is apparent, that the car is parked in a hiding spot and me being alive, not very well guarded. Without wasting time, I jump to the drivers seat and head of from the woods. After a good half an hour the car is relocated and I start to inspect the gear in the car. A lot of car/helicopter parts and medical supplies. Not a bad catch. But the day of cars was not over. Skipping forward yet couple hours I am travelling on foot near Gorka, trying to meet up with my friends. I stop on my tracks at a sound of running motor. I have no time to prepare, set up an ambush or plan ahead when I see a car coming over the hill about 50m from me. I take a knee, set my AK-74 to full auto and take aim to the driver. Before I take a shot I notice another player running behind the car. I am not sure if the runner was for security, for situations like the one at hand, or if his predicament was a result of some other mishap. However, at the moment I had no time to analyze the peculiar arrangement ahead of me, but I did consider the running player more of a threat. I reajusted my aim. I fired two short burst at the runner, gunning him down. The car veers left and stop. The driver manages to exit the vehicle but hits the ground dead. I have shot 23 rounds in 3 seconds. I quickly scan the ground. Seeing no more movement I jump in to the car and quickly relocate it to a better hiding spot. After hiding the car I come back to loot the corpses. At this point I am not sure if I got all the bandits, or if I attracted more players. Everything seems quiet and I inspect the bodies. Turns out the other bandit was named Shoarmaboer. The same owner of a red car that earlier shot me down. In his hand was my M4. A rifle that ironically was as unuseful to Shoarmaboer than it was to me in our previous encounter.