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About dekciW

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  1. dekciW

    Rain Shows Zombies

    Its not a bug its a feature in ARMA 2, has nothing to do with dayz.
  2. So I don't understand why is this server still up and running?
  3. dekciW

    Sniper Hacker

    I'm interested in how the rifle has an icon but the mags for it don't?
  4. I don't think hes saying to work on different versions I think hes saying that on the download link there should just be say a note that says the last stable build that had been tested and had the least bugs/complaints. It isn't a bad idea to be honest. The people who came just to play get to play and those who want to test can be guinea pigs. They should then setup a reporting system that allows only people on the most current (not most stable) build to report bugs ect. It would probably help tone down clutter.
  5. I just died because the update removed my hatchet. I was low on food and losing health and couldn't get wood to cook the meat I had just got, So I went near town to try and find some and agro zombies that I cant even see, then passed out and a zombie saw me through a fence and a bush and came over and killed me, while I was passed out...Lost some good stuff...smh
  6. dekciW

    Petition to make Zombies harder.

    not to knock the thread, but I wouldn't get you hopes up on the petition, rocket never endorsed this petition or agreed to it. While I think hibernating zombies are a good idea I'm not sure how possible it would be with the way the zombie behavior is handled right now. The mechanics behind how they exist in the world.
  7. I'm thinking instead of having tents be a players stash spot. Make the player be able to save backpacks as stashes, hiding them and placing them sort of like stashes in STALKER. Make it a requirement to mark your stashes in your journal or on your map in order to save them. I'm not sure how possible it is but perhaps if a player is killed they can drop a map/or journal with the stashes marked out or the coordinates or a description of where its at or something, then the player who looted the stash info can search for the packs to get the loot. Make it be like 5 backpacks per player or something. Then stash whereabouts could also be used as a reward for a player that helped another player, or completed an objective or something for another player. Then make tents and camp fires be a requirement in order to log out when in the wilderness, and say a sleeping bag required to log out when in a building. So you technically have to set up a camp in order to log out. Have doing it this way not apply any DC time penalty. Anyone who DC without setting up camp gets penalized for 5 seconds in the server or whatever, or perhaps on reconnect they can faint or something. Should help with all the disconnecting in fire fights for whatever reason, as well as randomly being spawned in on say after you cleared an area and someone just happened to save in that area and connected to the server after you had already cleared it. The main problem I see is transferring your camp, from server to server. If someone's jumping servers. Perhaps make it so you have to take down your camp before you can move out a certain distance from it. Idk its late and I didn't full think this through. Gotta work early, so I cant finish writing the thought out. Discuss.
  8. dekciW

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Sounds good just so happened to check the forums right as you posted this right before going to bed HAHA. Any idea on when skins or tents/vehicle saving will be fixed?
  9. So me and my buddy XXIV for joining chicago 13, stuck at requesting character data when we were killed by electrum. Hadn't even spawned yet. Looks like it wasn't a permanent death but thought id mention it anyways.
  10. dekciW

    backpacks did it again

    I'm not sure how possible it is, but if you don't have space in your inventory it shouldn't let you move it into it. Just like how you cant pick up vehicle parts when you don't have enough room it should display a message like that and simply not allow the item to be moved into your inventory.
  11. dekciW

    Infinite Health

    I had a friend get -100k+ getting eaten by a whole horde of zombies...got it on video too ^_^
  12. I currently have 5 Stanag mags for my CCO and 7 akm mags for my back up akm. I find ammo all over the place you just gotta know where to look. I think I've come across more assault rifles then I have Winchesters, that is honest truth the winny seems to evade me.
  13. You guys are forgetting 1 key thing. 30 round mag vs 15 round tube. Technically you can carry more ammo with an assault rifle then you can with a Winchester, while the ammo may take a little more digging to find you get more of it for less space. If you use your ammo sparingly and pull hs it will last you. If not rate of fire would put you at an advantage over a winny if you get in a tough spot (you better not miss with that winny).
  14. Also what about putting the amount of inventory slots required for the item in the item description.