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About go.sharky@gmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. i would just like to say thanks to the guy that seemingly repaired a car of mine, and left it where he found it.. wow people ! so much good karma must invert itself very soon.. hide your beans !
  2. Well.. that explains why you came back and responded to my °hey dudes°(should have called out I SURRENDER ! (hindsight <_< )). waitaminute... the pistol was loaded? you guys sure about that? i'm pretty sure it was empty.. The Offenders point of view: Bravo team on vehicle recovery mission in the area of zelengorsk, made a non silent approach of green mountain, when on the slopes, squad member Kyle spotted and fired upon an unknown contact. a firefight issued in which SM kyle was wounded. Sm Survivor707 came back to heal kyle, but then heard kyle shout "Look out he's behind you !", the contact was spotted, and engaged before fire was returned. The contact fled into trees, and his last position shelled by 3 rifle grenades, to no effect. Sm survivor707 was then killed in action from another unknown contact, shortly followed by the death of sm kyle. Aftermath: Mission Critical Failure, Team KIA, Vehicle allocated for the mission (Desert camo jeep offroad) Stolen, equipment of team unsalvagable and/or stolen. Good Game. as you can see, this server is full of small stories like this, and i really havent been on a Dayz server this good in ages. Ps; to the team of contacts that we engaged, those rifle grenades? theres plenty where that came from just for you !
  3. Blood was shed at green moutain today, and brough the score of 0/2 in favor of the BSM's against 2 players of N00B squad. Gg to beastie's squad. what basically happened was we both scared each other and started to open fire.. resulting in a big rifle grenade related dent in green mountain, for which i apologies to the mayor of Zelengorsk. Good show people ! Ps: learn to say "Turn around and drop your weapons" before shooting people that have seen you, but havent fired a shot. ( i would have surrendered.. didnt have ammo anyways, just didnt think of turning around fast enough xD) Pps: i'm going to have to even the score, you know...
  4. What are the land rover offroaders? i must get me one of those !
  5. Brynje... you killed me twice.. but you missed half of the second time B) You guys won't stand a chance next time ! PS: give this server a go, its awesome
  6. go.sharky@gmail.com

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I want to thank Eric and his bodyguard for getting to a pal and me in dire situation on a random server. they helped us greatly and even apologized for taking too long. thank you.
  7. go.sharky@gmail.com

    Looking for other noobs to team up with

    interested here as well.
  8. go.sharky@gmail.com

    A noob's tale

    Hello everybody, first off, i would like to thank the devs for such an interesting mod. Here are my first steps, i had already watched a few videos on the net, notably Devildog's series. Wall of text coming through ! First server was a Uk server, i landed in the middle of a beach, 500 meters off of a small town. I have to admit i was scared of entering, so i went off into the woods, up a hill, and onto a barn of sorts where it found a hachet and two zombies. 10 seconds later the population of the server was teleported to a place near cherno and killed. i respawned the same place, took the hatchet from my dead body and headed to the cherno docks. it was rainning, and after a while discovered i had an infection. i climbed atop a warehouse and changed server. Second server was a DE server, i started searching the local warehouses, finding wheels and engine parts, discovering the Bag heaven bug. i decided to go to the visible fire station, i knew the danger of that. My debug window went missing, and i kept losing blood because of the infection. I reached the fire station, and uncovered the leftovers of a battle, with around 8 dead bodies. i looted what i could, and took a makarov, when i saw one of the doors open. i looked at an ak on the floor, but chose to bolt for the backdoor, when a "friendly" came from the channels, i still went up a ladder to the top of the building. As it turned out, i had found another beginner. we teamed up, watched a UAZ pass through town, and looted the ak's of the fire station. i shortly lost mine to bag heaven due to experimenting. we went out slowly to the church first, where my buddy healed me with a looted blood bag, then the local med store, ducked to a sound, went in a small street. My buddy took a bone breaking hit from a random zombie, we spent the next 10 minutes trying to heal him (he also lost his debug about then), i went back to the med store, found auto injectors, came back to him. we then came under attack (probably due to our un-restricted use of the coms) he dropped his Ak for me, and i ran around a building, under fire. i didnt know where the shoots were coming from, so i jumped back on the street, only to see two guys looting my buddy. I opened fire and emptied a mag in their general direction, killing one guy, maybe wounding the other. i was hit, and on the floor eyes up. i though i was dead, so i disconnected, and rejoineed the same server. I was wrong. i was stlll alive but uncontious, and i was losing blood. i waited, and bandaided as soon as i could, i found my self with broken bones, and 674.45 blood (debug was back). i crawled to the guy i had downed, looted a silenced M4 with 10 rounds, cans of food, same with my dead buddy. my vision was blurry, gray, trembling. i crawled to the local hospital, where i had seen somebody. I comm'd "friendly?" but no reply, just footsteps. i had no illusions, but i still went in and hid for 5 minutes. I heard the guy walk, run and kill a survivor. i warned him not to run too much, lest i shoot. he went by my hideout, he had a ghilli suit, i shot, missed, and caught his attention. he hit and runned me until i was dead. All this to say, this was great !! I had a lot of fun, and this is just the beginning !