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Everything posted by Kerzza

  1. Hi just wondering if anyone would like to join me and my friend to play some DayZ. Gotta be: 14+, have Skype or mic in game, know how to have fun but be serious when it is needed. We are just looking for some other friendly players who would like to play together if interested just say below.
  2. Kerzza

    looking for new players

    Sounds cool, might check it out!
  3. You should really check out BSM really good server, plus good admins. What more could you want? :D
  4. War suggests both sides have an equal chance of winning ;)
  5. Sounds good me and my friend are gonna try this out :) See you on there :D
  6. Hey some of us started a team of around 5 people and wouldn't mind more people joining. Most of us are quite new to the game so preferably we would want people who are also quite new. It would be better if you lived in Europe because of the time difference, but we would not mind anyone from the US. You also need to have a microphone and Skype as we like to talk while we play, you must also be 12+. If you are interested either leave your steam or Skype or add me on my steam Kerzza.
  7. Hey I just got the game yesterday and since then have been struggling with my friend to survive against the many zombies and bandits. We thought it would be good to maybe make a team of other beginners so we can help each other out. We are seeking friendly players who preferably live in Europe (however would not mind players from US), must have a microphone and be 12+. If you are interested just put your steam or Skype below. My steam is Kerzza so add me. Thanks Kerzza