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Everything posted by GiBz

  1. GiBz

    Dayz SA

    Looking for a group to join or make. must be 16+ good knowledge on the map i am 17 and timezone is GMT
  2. GiBz


    looking for a squad to play dayzero with message back if ya wanna play EU ONLY SPEAK GOOD ENGLISH AND KNOW THE MAP PLUS GOOD COMBAT SKILLS
  3. GiBz


    looking for group to play dayzero with. this is the best mod for pvp must be 16+ good map skills good pvp skills
  4. GiBz


    if anyone is interested in playing dayzero reply and we will go from there. :)
  5. GiBz

    Dayz Epoch

    looking for 4 guys who want to play some epoch. Must know the map well and good in PVP and PVE so if you are interested reply and i will give you ts ip.
  6. GiBz


    i am looking to start a group on dayzrp only need 5 people. so if u are signed up to dayzrp and are looking to join a group reply and we will take it from there. :)
  7. GiBz


    looking for a few players to team up with and play with on dayzero i play on de/se but like de servers better. so if u are interested and want to play inv me or reply. english only 16 plus
  8. GiBz


    looking for people to play dayzero chernarus. 3-4 players needed must have decent skills. 16+
  9. GiBz

    Looking for DayZero clan

    ok i think i got u
  10. GiBz

    Looking for DayZero clan

    hi am interested do u have ts3
  11. yer ive played with u before dude when dayz first came out
  12. GiBz

    dayz origins

    i am looking to join a group or make a group only about 4-6 players in it. am 16 and am from the uk so if ur interested reply and i will get asap
  13. GiBz

    dayz origins

    yer ok Mck Hookahcabra ive added ur steam
  14. GiBz

    dayz origins

    sorry mate but no one is on ur server am looking to play high pop servers where there is pvp
  15. i am looking for 4 people to join an origins squad. to join u must be good when taking fire and no how to deal with it and just generally gd at the game.
  16. need people to join there are 3 of us already u need to no the map well and have good gun skills if u u want in leave ur skype name and i will add u
  17. i looking to join a squad add me on skype or leave name connor.gibson31
  18. i have had the game since it came out and i am looking to join a team so it u want me add me on skype connor.gibson31
  19. GiBz

    Looking to join a squad

    sorry cant get ts3 to work only skype
  20. dayz squad i am look for 3 people to join my squad which are 2 ar and 2 snipers so if u want in leave ur skype name and i will add u asap :beans:
  21. GiBz

    Dayz squad

    sorry but i am looking for people tht have had the game for a while
  22. i need 1 more player to make a squad of 6 u need to no the map and have good gun skills and we record are pvp all the time so if u want in leave ur skype name and i will add u :beans: :beans: :beans: :beans: