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Everything posted by kiwi12

  1. kiwi12

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    Its still a game. Sometimes realistic features are good and sometimes bad for the gameplay. Like the unrealistics. I dont want to find a weapon manual before i can use a gun.
  2. kiwi12

    Hacks/Illegal Mods are on the Rise

    RNGesus is strong in DayZ. Cant count how many times i jumped on another empty server to find some food because all full servers were already looted. Checking player list.... 1 guy... close player list.... hes walking in front of me^^ Doesnt matter if its in Elektro, in a military base, airfield or in some random woods. Players are just like you. Everywhere.
  3. kiwi12

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    But it wasnt and people played it because they liked the mod. I read other things the community liked in the mod forum during the mod days.
  4. kiwi12

    Fantastic news wind will affect bullets

    Agaiiin. All those nice little and unnecessary features. Physics, heart atacks, paint stuff, etc...... Who needs this? Maybe that would be great stuff if you could add it after you did the game basics. The mod content and the improvements everybody wanted in the old days. Like: Respawning loot in ALL houses and the environment. Non-clipping zombies and a stealth system that works. Temperature, camp fire, chop wood. Hero/Bandit system. Glow sticks and flares and much more..... Think before you add stuff. A good example is the map. The mod map was so good because you could mark a spot and and see how far it was away and where. For the complete SA map you have to collect 4 pieces for what? To look at a map you already have opened in you browser or dont need because you know all the locations? C´mon. You knew how people play the game and you just made the SA map useless. The only good thing i read since release was the imp hacker protection and that you work on animals/hunting/cars. Thats all. I said this before and now again: The Mod made the SA possible. So stick to the mod and dont create a complete new game with just the name in it.
  5. Since the zombies are faster but can still clip through all objects its really annoying to spawn in front of 1-2 as a bambi. Without a chance to hide the first thing you have to do in DayZ is to run away with a hungry character. I think some spawnpoints are too close to each other. Btw why did they get faster? Theyre still a joke with guns and the "circle of death" with a meele weapon. Before you change such a stupid thing try to decrease the zombie clipping or work on the stealth mechanic to make it possible to hide like in the mod.
  6. kiwi12

    Compass broken?

    My north needle shows to east or northeast. Its only "Worn".
  7. kiwi12

    Compass broken?

    stop posting rl videos for a video game. if you know how to use a compass right in real life im really happy for you. but you dont have to show how smart you are with such a useless post here. im 100% sure you didnt watch the video because its not a help.
  8. kiwi12

    Compass broken?

    worked. thx. didnt restart the game. just a server relog.
  9. kiwi12

    Compass broken?

    "help" troll said i should just use the bugged directions (orly?) and someone else posted a rl video how to use a compass for a video game with 90% stuff in it that is not possible to do ingame. thats far away from being smart or helpful.
  10. kiwi12

    Compass broken?

    genius, not ye because i can do that stuff ingame. idiot.
  11. kiwi12

    Anyone broken a limb yet?

    GM bloodtest? dont you know they´re cursed?
  12. kiwi12

    Anyone broken a limb yet?

    i think broken legs are rare in the SA since you cant ran over a proned players legs and break them :P
  13. kiwi12

    60 Hour Gameplay Feedback (Im out)

    true. but after they added the mod content it will be f**** awesome! i hope they stick to the mod, not like the med system now. just implement the mod content and not anything new. if you want to change or create new stuff do it after.
  14. kiwi12

    "Search the forums first"

    to all new DayZ players: visit the dayz mod wiki before you post suggestions, ideas, improvements, bug reports etc.....
  15. use your backhair and tie up some sea turtles.
  16. kiwi12

    Better music.

    music = bird and zombie noises
  17. kiwi12

    M68 CompM2 Optics

    Hey, found a M68 CompM2 Optics for the M4A1. Its only a red dot sight but you can attach a battery to it and turn it on/off. Did that with the beginner battery (charged) but i couldnt see a difference. Tested for day & night. Mby someone else had more success?
  18. kiwi12

    Invisible hacker

    had the same problem. one question: did you hear zombie noises like they would stay near you? because i think it is a server bug and the zombie was invisible. after it started hitting me i ran away ~10 meters and logged off. i logged in again on another server and i saw a zombie 20-30 meters away from me.
  19. kiwi12

    Will shovel kill zombies?

    I was counting my baseball bat hits once. The zombie took 6 hits until knock down and 2 more until he died.
  20. kiwi12

    Dayz Standalone stories

    Met a guy. He said hes friendly. Suddenly black screen. He lied.
  21. kiwi12

    Animals you want to see

    A liopleurodon and foxes that hunt rabbits.
  22. dont overclock or buy anything. its just the optimisation. for example: planetside2 had the same problem. since open beta it was not playable with an AMD cpu, only with intel. they didnt optimise it until release with a big patch. its not your system its the game. just wait.
  23. kiwi12


    I think if they could add one car they could add nearly all. Because that would mean they finished the repair system and the engine part loot for the cars. But i think thats not the case.