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About McStabYou

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  1. McStabYou

    Be or not to be friendly?

    Here's my philosophy. If you see someone and they haven't seen you, nothing needs to go down. If they have, and haven't shot yet, hide and try to talk your way out of it. I know it sounds dumb, but I've defused the last two player encounters I've had by talking it out. The best example of which being an encounter in the middle of futtbuck nowhere. I was running through the woods to meet some friends when I saw a contact heading in my direction. I saw him, he saw me and I saw him seeing me. I ducked behind a tree and he did the same. Since he didn't shoot, I could tell he didn't want to fight. I called out in direct chat "I'll pretend I didn't see you if you pretend you didn't see me..." Sure enough, we went our separate ways. No bullets where given or taken.
  2. You know' date=' I've actually spotted tents in forests before. Usually just one, but they just stick out so much, they're pretty hard to miss, even if you're not looking for them. Tents are still useful and most definitely need tweaking, but variety is always a good thing. I was originally thinking that it would be cool if there was a caching system like in stalker. Problem is, that would give way to a whole new kind of scavenger who just checks all the possible places that you could stash your loot. I bet we'd even see cache maps too.
  3. Haha' date=' yeah. pretty much that. Wouldn't want to take credit for someone else idea. I actually went straight from playing DayZ/chatting with my friends about this, to creating an account and posting it. But, you know, if a bunch of people are thinking the same thing, that just means it's a good idea! GENIUSSSS!
  4. McStabYou

    Day/Night cycle - make it quicker

    "Quicker" HELL NO! "Brighter" HELL YES! Night is usually way to dark, we know. probably due to Arma 2's lighting engine. But DayZ is coming to Arma 3 which actually has a pretty good lighting engine and is coming later this year. (Beta supposedly this summer)
  5. McStabYou

    Walkie Talkies.

    I like the idea of a radio, but not for team communication. People wouldn't use a radio for communicating with team mates if there where any downsides to using it, people would just continue to use third party voip software. But if you wanted to use a radio to try to call for help in desperate situations or brodcast a message, that would make things interesting. I'm sure a lot of you have heard of certain survivors becoming merchants. They could brodcast a message advertising themselves to prospective clients. On the other hand, bandits could use it to lure naive players to an ambush. It could also be used to broadcast recruitment messages/propaganda for clans trying to expand. And of course there would be multiple channels and the ability to turn it off completely. Doubt anything like this would come into actual consideration for the game, but it's a fun thought.
  6. McStabYou

    Zombie health should vary

    For the record... Helmeted military zombies take 2 headshots from most weapons.
  7. McStabYou

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I'd buy the crap out of the "Anyone in Cherno" shirt or any like it. Perhaps the Enfield noob face to face with a crazed frothy mouthed psycho shouting "Friendly?".
  8. That's even worse. Not only are they bigger than a tent, but you might as well wrap your gear up with a bow and help them unload it when they drive it back to their base!
  9. I can't tell you how many times me, my friends or any groups that I associate with have had massive amounts of gear stolen from our camps. And on the other hand, I can't tell you how many times I've stolen something from a random tent that I happened to find. Whenever this happens, I always wish there where other ways to hide loot. Along side tents, there should be other deployable storage units like duffel-bags or satchels that hold a lot less gear (maybe about at much as a czech pack) but are easier to hide. (Deployable in tall grass or under trees). I also thought it would be cool if you could bury gear with an entrenchment tool. It would be a little hard to recover if you died though...
  10. I bet it'd be a long time until anything like this is implemented, but it's a damn fine idea.