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About hodgeasaurus

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    Cornwall, UK
  1. The tents issue is now sorted on this server, we are now just trying to see about vehicles!
  2. hodgeasaurus

    Arma 3 DayZ?

    Off the top of my head, it's been said that it would be easy to port it to the arma 3 engine. On a bit of an assumption, when DayZ goes standalone, it wouldn't shock me if it was based on the arma 3 engine. That would give Rocket all the things he needs to put the game in the right direction. Also working on this assumption it would fall in the right time frame too as end of the year release would fall around arma 3 beta.
  3. hodgeasaurus

    US1457 - Banned why?

    Hey, Not really a ban appeal, more of a question of why was I banned? All I was doing was sitting passenger in a friends truck alt+tabbed and come back to you are banned... Seems a little odd. Cheers.
  4. hodgeasaurus

    Rocket's overall plan.

    The lube is merely just for my foot. It's about to get freaky. Too far? Never. Too deep? Maybe.
  5. hodgeasaurus

    Rocket's overall plan.

    Alright, I'll bring the KY...
  6. hodgeasaurus

    Rocket's overall plan.

    (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ All the things. I think the mood is right to bring up, maybe..... orgy?
  7. hodgeasaurus

    Rocket's overall plan.

    I like turtles.
  8. hodgeasaurus

    Just to be a good Bandit...

    Believe it or not, this is actually where I got my array of gear... Me and a few friends have taken their Bike and Tractor and still they load their camp with stuff. We even took a defender down there and emptied everything except a tin of beans... Because you know... We care. It's a good place to gather stuff.
  9. So it seems the people who have this camp set up, refuse to learn that if your gear is vanishing and you keep getting killed, it's probably time to move on. There are about 4 tents that usually contain a healthy array of weapons, ammo and food. They are located at: US 43 Chicago http://i46.tinypic.com/v4xe9s.jpg Do enjoy, every now and then we still pop by to steal their stuff.
  10. Other than the little things, one thing is still standing out to me as a major bug. Zombie spawn issues. Me and a friend tried to clear stary camp but as we arrived, zombies spawned right next to us. We figured it was just a glitch but it happened 3 out of 3 times of trying to approach the camp. Haven't played properly since 1.6 because of this. Server we had this issue on last night was UK26
  11. hodgeasaurus

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Grocery Stores Also, Field Tents...
  12. hodgeasaurus

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Am hoping the hatchet goes in the equipment slots, not the inventory.
  13. hodgeasaurus

    Pending Build Progess: 1.5.9

    Rocket, You are what all devs should be like. Good community presence, Frequent updates on what's going on, the ability to have a laugh! You win at life.
  14. hodgeasaurus

    Build 1.5.8 rolling update

    Cheers for the update. Also, happy birthday to the Dev that is 31 :)!