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Everything posted by Kuribons

  1. Hi all, just looking for a small group of people to play DayZ with. I'm 18 and live on the East coast. Just want to play with a small group of experienced players preferably around my age. My steam name is fatalz24 contact me through there if you are interested. Also i have skype and teamspeak.
  2. So i just restarted playing DayZ about a week ago and everything was going just fine. I was able to play the game on high settings with no issues even when in the middle of Cherno and Elektro. Then just today i logged on and it's just unplayable. The framerate is just horrible even when i lower my settings to normal. So what im asking is if anybody else has had a recent issue and that it's not just me. Or if it is just me does anybody have any reasoning as to why this happend, and possibly a solution?
  3. Kuribons

    Recent Framerate issues.

    Well i reinstalled everything and that didn't work when i did it yesterday, still could barely play on normal.....but for some reason i decided to try and join a server again about an hour ago and its fine. I can run it on high with no issues whatsoever. So i have no idea what happened or how it got resolved but it did.
  4. Kuribons

    Recent Framerate issues.

    I'm just going to remove arma II and arma II OA along with all of the dayz content i have and try reinstalling it all. Maybe something was wrong in there idk, hopefully it will help.
  5. Kuribons

    Recent Framerate issues.

    It's been happening on any server i try to play on.
  6. Kuribons

    Recent Framerate issues.

    Ok thanks ill try that. Edit- Sad to say that doesn't do the job. It just confuses me why it's so bad all of a sudden. I literally played 2 days ago perfectly fine on high settings and now it's practically unplayable on any settings.
  7. Kuribons

    [GoC] Guardians of Chernarus Recruiting

    Ingame name: Kuribons Steam Name: fatalz24 Age:18 Mic: Yes have mic Preferred role: i would like to be a sniper or assault, but i can fill in for what you need Timezone: Est (GMT -5) How often do you play a day and at what times: I work during the week but i can play anytime in the evening.