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Everything posted by Poofus

  1. I have to log into different servers because there are so many and I can never find the same one. This "fix" is punishment even for people just trying to play the game normally. Between the coast spawning and the graphical glitches, I'm at near loss of patience for this mod.
  2. Poofus

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    You're missing the point. You can't just team up with anyone anymore. You have to know the person first and speak with them outside of the game to do this. The social aspect is completely gone now, in fact, as we know, on most servers general chat is now gone and limited only to groups, vehicle and direct. Again, you're missing the point. Visual factions. Anything ranging from specific uniforms, to different colors when hovering, symbols, anything that may be able to help you determine if that person is with your faction. that still doesn't stop backstabbers, which perfectly fine. But the occurrence will be less. Anonymous camaraderie would make a more common return, and faction battles sound like fun because no matter how you slice it, this is an fps shooter. I do not call for the death of pvp, i call for some organization that will help new players feel more welcome, and seasoned players to rule. And don't be ignorant in assuming that just because it would take a ton of coding doesn't mean they should or shouldn't do it. By that mentality, you're saying that they didn't need to make this mod either. They didn't need to, but they did. And, they continue making changes based on feedback, don't they? Is my feedback any less valuable because you think it isn't? How long have you been playing this mod? How many features have been added or taken away to make the game more realistic, and thus more difficult? We're you playing when there WASN'T an immune system and antibiotics? Or when you DIDN'T spawn with just a flash light and a bandage? Or when you didn't need to open your backpack to use what was in it first? Are you serious? I mean, really. Are you? I'm actually laughing right now. Fine, ill give that to you. I was pretty pumped when i shot someone in self defense knowing full well that that person had just lost everything they worked hard to attain. But you absolutely cannot compare that to the pain that most feel when they had to, or accidentally took a human life. IN REAL LIFE. That is a good question. No really, im wondering where you even thought I was saying what you could or couldn't be. No... just no. If what you're saying is true, there wouldn't be a million new threads about the issue of people getting shot by EVERYBODY every 30 minutes. When bandit skins were around, you could feel safer in assuming that the other guy in a survivor uniform probably didn't go around killing everyone. There was always a chance that they did, but there was an even higher chance that they didn't. I also didn't say I wanted them back. I definitely do not want them back. I want options. Yes, I know there there are different skins now (unless youre a female like me) but it's random and chaotic. It would take years to get an entire team outfitted with the same uniform judging by how rare they are to find. Do you remember when there were only bandit skins and survivor skins? teams of survivors would hunt for bandits, and vice versa. A majority of these people met in game and banded together. Not through clans. Clans barely existed back then yet. The game was much easier, but for the wrong reasons. This is why I call for factions that aren't formed through message boards. That can still exist in the form of teams within factions, or you can just remain a regular survivor, or vagrant. This functionality is already coded into the game via opfor, blufor, russians, usmc, army, etc. It wouldn't be as hard as you think it would.
  3. Poofus

    De-Evolution of the Human Race

    There really isn't anything that can be done about the pvp issue except to add factions. That would significantly reduce the problem. No matter how many realistic features rocket adds, the game will never be truly realistic in that you cannot put value on a human life in a game. We all know about how horrible the mental state of our returning soldiers can be after they've taken a healthy humans life, or have witnessed the taking of a life. Without remorse, there is no hesitation. The exception are weathered special forces guys, and sociopaths. Which none of the characters in this game are. So go ahead and keep crying, or realize nothing can change the state of pvp unless rocket just adds bandit skins again or adds factions.
  4. SeptusCap, you'd be a great editor at Fox News. I've said it before. This game needs factions, with uniforms. Sure it won't completely eliminate bandits, but at least there is a higher chance you'll be able to band with someone in your faction. It can happen the same way you can choose to become a woman. Each faction could have its own chat, and trust would still be an issue because of spies. Turf wars would be a blast. This everyone is a survivor thing has truly made this mod a free for all deathmatch game with zombies. I love being able to work with other players, but that just isn't happening anymore. since the patch that removed bandit skins, I have not once been able to pair up with someone after countless attempts of calling friendly. Its not about me complaining about being shot at, its that the players who were usually friendly aren't anymore whether they want to be, or not.
  5. install new patch open inventory right click on items to use
  6. Poofus

    You Do Not Get a Cold From Being Cold

    I suppose that makes it a bit more intense. I do understand where the OP is coming from, especially for a game that prides itself on realism, but I too take the position of being afraid too many gimmicky gameplay elements will ruin the experience. I don't want to have to urinate in a forest for fear of becoming sterile if I don't.