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UKA Harrysoon

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Everything posted by UKA Harrysoon

  1. Thank you, and good night. UKA 3PP server will close on 5th April 2017. We shall return at some point in the future. We can't thank all our players enough for the support over the years, with taking #1 ranked server twice on Gametracker, and having one of the top ranked 1PP servers in DayZ. See you in Chernarus.
  2. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Our 1PP has officially shut its doors. We've had a great two years with it, with it being the highest ranked 1PP server on the game for the majority of that time. Thank you for all the support with it, and we're glad we were able to provide such a service that put the whole Hardcore style of gameplay on the map with DayZ. At the time we opened it I could count on one hand how many private 1PP servers were open, and none were populated yet we felt we could offer something that really could take off. Back when 1PP was struggling to hit double digits in player count 2 years ago, I managed to get my "Gotta Keep Cool" PvP clip against a couple of cheeky Spaniards. Unexpectedly it got a huge response, and we saw 1PP go from strength-to-strength from then on. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, but there's nothing to say it won't return. We've all got things going on in RL at the moment, and trying out new things as well, and with the current state of DayZ we feel it's a good time to pull the reigns in a bit and cruise a long for a bit before DayZ reaches new height.
  3. UKA Harrysoon

    IP info in admin logs

    Depends which log you look at. You can only ban by Steam64 ID or GUID depending which ban list you use. The BEC logs will show the GUID of the player, the standard admin logs will show Steam64 ID. BEC logs also shows the IP address, but you can't ban by IP.
  4. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Bit of an update! 1PP is storming up the Gametracker rankings, and close to being in the top 10 making it officially the highest ranked 1PP server on DayZ! Make sure to jump on and try it out!
  5. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    We've enabled persistence on our 1PP server.
  6. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    We've moved our 1PP server to new hardware to try and resolve the lag and desync issues it was experiencing Search for UKA in the server listings to re-add it to your favourites, or on the Remote tab enter hardcore.dayz-uka.co.uk : 2400 to join. Both of our servers also has persistence disabled. Loot is reset each scheduled restart at 2am, 10am and 6pm.
  7. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Moved 3PP back to fully persistent after last week's hotfixes as server stability is much improved. Happy camping! Both servers also back to 12 hour restarts at 3am and 3pm BST
  8. UKA Harrysoon

    Serverfiles for local hosting

  9. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Due to the loot economy being a bit ropey with 0.60, we will be wiping loot once or twice a day on our 3PP server starting this Wednesday after maintenance. This is just to get loot respawning a bit more smoothly. Our 1PP will remain fully persistent.
  10. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    With the release of 0.60, both UKA Servers (3PP and 1PP) have been upgraded to 60 slots! Both servers remain the same config for the mean time with 0.60 going live, both fully persistent with 24/7 day.
  11. UKA Harrysoon

    Exp Update: 0.60.+++

    The server has most likely crashed.
  12. UKA Harrysoon

    Day/Night cycles on servers

    Referring to this thread on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/39fkgp/dayz_057_server_admin_guide_new_time_settings/ Are dusk/dawn times working correctly depending on the time of year it is? I had day/night cycles setup on a server and had the date set to middle of September and when I changed it to middle of June, there was no difference in when the sunset. 18:30 was the same darkness if in September on the server and if set to June.
  13. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Third server was closed.
  14. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    1PP has had some amazing PvP up North recently. Action all night every night. Definitely need to get on this weekend.
  15. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Servers running nicely. 1PP has seen been getting quite busy in the evenings, with groups holding down up north for PvP!
  16. UKA Harrysoon

    Best servers for persistent "camp"

    You're best of looking in the Servers forum on here, but the two servers I run are fully persistent. We've only had one wipe since 0.59 on our 3PP server and that was to fix an issue (touch wood we won;t be wiping again until an update necessitates it), but our 1PP hasn't been touched and running great.
  17. UKA Harrysoon


    Wednesday maintenance no longer wipes persistence, unsure if this is the same for vehicles. Guess you'll find out after today's!
  18. Don't understand why they can't just remove commands and block tools allowing to kick from public servers. Remove BEC so they can't whitelist. Remove option to password the server, and block RCon admins, so tools like DaRT can't be used.
  19. UKA Harrysoon

    [Fixed?] Invisible Players (Story included)

    There was a small update yesterday to servers as ours came offline in the afternoon to fix this.
  20. UKA Harrysoon

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Well received? The desync is horrendous to an almost unplayable state, and leaves wide open a dupe glitch.
  21. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    We've kept persistence running on our 3PP server and been happy with the current loot system and respawning of it.
  22. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Both our servers have moved! Moved to much faster and more reliable servers, so your experience on UKA should be much better :D Search UKA in server listings!
  23. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Make sure to check 3PP server out! Been having some awesome PvP last several nights all over the map ranging from Cherno to Stary to NWAF!
  24. UKA Harrysoon

    [UKA] DayZ UK Alliance Private Hive | Closed 5th April 2017

    Thanks! I'd already seen the post in my email while I was out yesterday and passed it on to an admin, so it got dealt with more or less right away when you first reported it!
  25. UKA Harrysoon

    Correct me if im wrong but..

    There should be, but it's been stated that DayZ is set at the beginning of the apocolypse.