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Nice Guy Led

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Everything posted by Nice Guy Led

  1. Nice Guy Led

    New Server US 1378 Active Admin

    As of right now we have updated to the most recent patch and we are fairly confident that it has 'fixed' the tents and vehicles on the server. We have done one restart so far and it looks like it's actually working. Please feel free to let us know if it's not working correctly so we can look further into it. steam - ledesimus skype - ledesimus1
  2. Nice Guy Led

    New Server US 1378 Active Admin

    I've already had a few people add me and we've been able to help them out. To further push what I said earlier, if you are being griefed in any way just let me know and we'll do what we can to take care of it. If you want to add me just to chat or have something you think will improve the server, feel free to let me know. steam - ledesimus skype - ledesimus1
  3. Nice Guy Led

    New Server US 1378 Active Admin

    We had almost 30 people on our server today and that's what we like to see. The only downfall to having more population is the higher risk that one person in the mix will be a hacker. The admin is actively monitoring the server and he's happy to say he was able to ban some people who were scripting. As always, if you are blown up randomly or see some suspicious behavior feel free to let me or the admin know so we can take action. steam - ledesimus skype - ledesimus1
  4. Nice Guy Led

    New Server US 1378 Active Admin

    The 'host clan' and a few other clans we have spoken with have a general rule of not griefing freshies. If you are a bandit, however, I'm fairly certain you won't receive the same treatment. If you are a freshie and feel you're being griefed, just send me a mail on here or even better add me on skype with a brief description of the situation. Skype tag: Ledesimus1